The Limited Times

Pd: Guerini, go ahead on a wide field with left

10/29/2021, 12:09:26 PM

"From a political point of view, I think that the broad field of which my party secretary spoke is a duty that we must carry out with great commitment. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, OCTOBER 29 - "From the political point of view, I think that the broad field of which the secretary of my party spoke is a duty that we must carry out with great commitment. We need to build a proposal from the left, reformist, of a government that takes charge of the country's problems and has the ability and courage to transform it into a government initiative for the country.

This was stated by Lorenzo Guerini, Minister of Defense and parliamentary of the Democratic Party, at Agorà Extra on Rai Tre, when asked if the broad field of the center-left still exists.


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