The Limited Times

Post-Brexit tensions: the "credibility" of the United Kingdom is at stake on this file, judge Macron

10/29/2021, 9:14:53 PM

While France and the United Kingdom are struggling on the thorny subject of fishing licenses, the President of the Republic considers that Boris Jo

The subjects of contention accumulate between France and the United Kingdom.

Interviewed by the Financial Times, Emmanuel Macron said that the “credibility” of the United Kingdom was at stake in the post-Brexit disputes over fishing licenses and the Northern Irish protocol.

Read alsoTensions around post-Brexit fishing: one more conflict between Paris and London

“Make no mistake, this does not only concern the Europeans but all their partners.

Because when you spend years negotiating a treaty and, a few months later, you do the opposite of what was decided on the aspects that suit you the least, it is not a great proof of your credibility ” , he told the newspaper.

An expected meeting between the two leaders at the G20

France criticizes the United Kingdom for granting too few post-Brexit fishing licenses to its fishermen.

She promised to ban British fishing vessels from unloading their cargo in French ports on Tuesday and to strengthen customs controls on trucks, if the situation does not improve by then.

The two leaders are due to meet this weekend, on the sidelines of the G20 in Rome, on this hot topic but also on illegal immigration through the Channel or the consequences of Brexit in Northern Ireland.

But the tension is still rising this Friday with the threat of London to implement "rigorous controls" on the European boats spawning in its waters, if Paris does indeed carry out its threats, announced Friday a spokesman of the British government. .

At the Financial Times, Emmanuel Macron assured that there had been neither “provocation” nor “tension” on the issue of fishing rights, but “we must respect each other” and “respect the word that has been given” , he believes, saying he is sure of the “goodwill” of the United Kingdom.

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