The Limited Times

The Jesuits gathered in Marseille for their 500 years

10/29/2021, 6:38:45 PM

The order founded by Ignatius of Loyola, with 15,000 members around the world, is reflecting on sexual abuse in the Church.

"Inigo" is thirty years old and dreams only of military glory.

Inigo is the nickname of Ignatius of Loyola.

In 1521, this impetuous Spanish knight defends the city of Pamplona, ​​in Navarre, against the assaults of the Franco-Navarrese troops of François Ier.

Wounded in one leg, he fights like a lion until a cannonball breaks his other leg.

He is down and for a long time.

Handicapped for life, a slow interior conversion to Christ takes place in him.

It will lead this dazzling character to found the Company of Jesus, in Montmartre in Paris in 1534. He will be canonized in 1622.

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Faced with the lack of vocations, the French-speaking Jesuits are reorganizing themselves

Five hundred years after this founding cannon shot by the Jesuits, the largest religious order in the world, with its 15,000 members, is celebrating this anniversary in all countries.

For France, the Ignatian family, some 7000 people, religious and laity organized in different movements, meet this All Saints weekend in Marseille.

From where will be broadcast, Sunday, the televised mass on France 2 and,

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