The Limited Times

United Kingdom: Queen Elizabeth II forced to rest for two weeks

10/29/2021, 6:50:20 PM

The sovereign, who was hospitalized recently, will still have to rest for a few days. She had to reluctantly give up participating in the

Private exit at age 95.

Queen Elizabeth II will have to rest for at least two more weeks, Buckingham Palace announced on Friday evening, adding that the monarch would not make any official travel during this period.

The sovereign, who spent a night in hospital nine days ago, may nevertheless continue to carry out "light tasks", including videoconference hearings, Buckingham Palace said Friday evening, announcing that doctors advised him to rest for at least two more weeks.

The Queen "regrets" to have to give up participating in the festival of remembrance on November 13, which honors British and Commonwealth soldiers, the Palace added.

But she "keeps the firm intention" to be present at the event which marks Remembrance Sunday the next day around the cenotaph in London, said the royal statement.

The Queen was put to rest on October 20 the day after a reception at Windsor Castle where she appeared chatting with her Prime Minister Boris Johnson and American businessman Bill Gates.

She spent the following night in hospital, her first hospitalization since 2013, for "preliminary examinations" of unspecified content.

But the fact that the Palace waited for the tabloid The Sun to report on that night at the hospital - organized for practical reasons according to royal sources - had raised questions about his state of health, as well as criticism of what has been denounced as a lack of transparency.

Interventions by recorded video

The Queen has since officially taken over "light" tasks.

In particular, she received two new ambassadors by videoconference.

Her last appearance in the public eye was on Thursday, when she presented the gold medal for poetry to English poet David Constantine in a videoconference hearing.

A 24-second video broadcast by the Palace shows her smiling, discussing through interposed screens with the poet.

Instead of going to the COP26, the queen, "disappointed not to be able to attend the reception", will speak to the delegates by recorded video message, had underlined Buckingham.

It is his son Charles, heir to the crown, who will deliver the opening speech of COP26.

The 72-year-old prince, less loved by the British, has already represented her abroad since she no longer went there.

The queen will also be able to count on her grandson Prince William, third in the order of succession and much more popular than her father.

Read also "I would be heartbroken if she left": the British fear for the health of Elizabeth II

Asked this week, monarchy specialist Penny Junor said it was a “turning point”.

"She's been working at the pace of someone 20 years younger, and I think the public needs to adjust their expectations and recognize that she's 95," she said, predicting more rare in-person appearances. from the queen.

Monarch for nearly 70 years, the queen, who is due to celebrate her platinum jubilee next year, was still showing very good form in public recently.

After her traditional summer vacation in Balmoral, Scotland, she participated almost daily in official engagements, resuming its pre-pandemic rhythm: 295 engagements in 2019. Not to mention the less visible work of reviews of government documents and its almost weekly talks with the Prime Minister.

Elizabeth II was recently seen walking with a cane, a first since 2004. According to The Sun, the monarch has also stopped walking her dogs in recent days.

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