The Limited Times

Éric Delbecque: "For the ultra-left, Zemmour is a pretext, the objective is to destroy the State"

10/31/2021, 6:02:38 PM

INTERVIEW - After the violence of the antifa, Saturday in Nantes, the internal security expert deciphers the intentions of these revolutionary movements.

An expert in internal security, former director of security for

Charlie Hebdo

after the 2015 attack, Éric Delbecque is notably the author of

Les Ingouvernables.

From the utopian extreme left to the violent ultra-left.

Dive into a little-known France

(Grasset), and the


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- Saturday, in Nantes, hundreds of antifas attacked the police on the sidelines of a meeting of Eric Zemmour.

This type of violent action has become habitual, especially in Nantes ...



This city constitutes the center of gravity of what can be called an ultra-left “platform”.

So it is not surprising.

We must recontextualize this event, but in a grid of explanation much more distant from the Zemmour case and infinitely closer to the causes of ideological radicalization in our country.

The activists that we have just seen act instrumentalize the debate around the writer-journalist

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