The Limited Times

Climate summit COP26: 16 arrests during climate protests at airports in Sweden

10/31/2021, 8:33:01 PM

On the opening day of the UN climate conference, Extinction Rebellion activists demonstrated at seven airports in Sweden and tried to prevent flights. The police are now accusing them of sabotage.

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Climate activist from Extinction Rebellion in Paris


16 demonstrators were arrested on Sunday during climate protests at several airports in Sweden.

Activists of the climate protection movement Extinction Rebellion had gathered at seven Swedish airports on the opening day of the World Climate Conference in Glasgow to protest against subsidies for aviation.

According to police, four people were arrested on board two aircraft at Stockholm's Arlanda Airport because they tried to prevent the machines from starting.

The police are now accusing them of sabotaging aircraft and airports.

Four people who ran onto the tarmac were also arrested at Bromma Airport.

At Malmö's airport in southern Sweden, a protester taped her hands on the runway.

"We have to stop the emissions where they can be avoided," said Extinction Rebellion to the protest.

"That's why we want the state and municipalities to stop subsidizing industries that use fossil fuels, including aviation and airports."

The World Climate Conference began on Sunday in Glasgow, Scotland.

More than 120 heads of state and government are expected at COP26.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will also take part in the conference on Monday.

The central theme of COP26 is the further implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015. In it, the states agreed to reduce global warming to well below two degrees, but ideally to 1.5 degrees compared to the pre-industrial age.

However, according to UN data, the earth is currently heading for a dangerous warming of 2.7 degrees.

kim / AFP