The Limited Times

Glasgow Conference Opens: Climate in the Air, Iran on the Table Israel today

10/31/2021, 9:21:01 PM

The climate conference is the most important conference in the world - and Israel will have quite a bit to offer its participants.

In international terms, this is the most important conference in the world.

More from the UN General Assembly, more than the Conventions of the Powers of the Powers. For the results of the climate conference, even if partially implemented, will ultimately affect the way of life of all mankind.

There is, for example, a direct link between doubling the cost of disposable utensils in Israel and the issue for which 190 leaders from around the world gather in the great city of Scotland.

Due to global warming, international norms require a reduction in the use of plastics.

Israel is forced to align with what is accepted in the world, and also suffers - like the other countries - from rising oil prices, a material from which the tools are known to be extracted.

And this is just one small example.

Bennett: "The opposition is preparing for the Great Pike Week" / Photo: Ariel Kahana

Israel, which is considered the second in the world in the field of developing green energy solutions, will have a lot to offer to the 30,000 on the conference island.

In this respect, Prime Minister Bennett's task will be to step into Benjamin Netanyahu's huge shoes and market what the Jewish state has to offer.

Without a successful advertisement, the green patents will remain on the drawing board.

But even if the official reason for Bennett's coming to the conference is global warming, it is clear that the main topic he will discuss in closed rooms will be the "Cold War," as he called today (Sunday) the growing struggle in Iran, which he will discuss with the eight leaders he meets.

In this round, muscle inflation is more demonstrated on the Israeli-American side: the shutdown of gas stations in Iran (attributed to Israel);

The joint exercise with eight air forces from around the world, including the forces of the UAE and Jordan;

Escorting the American bomber by our planes and Egyptian planes;

As well as the unusual remarks made by "Iranian Commander-in-Chief" Tal Kalman to a newspaper in Bahrain - according to which if no diplomatic solution is found, Israel and its allies will be forced to use force.

Aircraft that participated in the international "Blue Flag" exercise, Photo: IDF Spokesman

This chain of signals is not accidental.

It can be assumed that it is intended, at least in part, to put pressure on the United States no less than on Iran. Ahead of the resumption of talks between the parties on a new nuclear agreement, Israel is sending the message that its interests should be taken into account. Here is an incarnation of an independent move to attack Iran, but much more subtle threats. And yet, given the crossroads with Iran - which the US also agrees we are facing - Ganz, Bennett and Lapid are participating in the game.

The world comes to cold Glasgow to stop global warming, Israel comes to it to stop the Cold War from warming.

Either way, the one who opened the huge conference was the British Energy Secretary and Conference President, Aluk Sharma, who said in his speech that “the rapidly changing climate around us is a wake-up call to the world to accelerate our pace of adaptation, deal with loss and damage and act now From 1.5 degrees ".

He went on to say that "six years ago, in Paris, we agreed on our common goals. We said we would protect humans and nature from climate change. We pledged to transfer funds for climate action. We said we would limit global temperatures below two degrees, with direction and effort only one and a half degrees." .

Conference Hall in Glasgow, Photo: GettyImages

Shrema expressed optimism, adding that "I believe we are able to resolve this tremendous issue. We can move the negotiations forward. Together we are able to seize the tremendous opportunity of green economic growth, create green jobs and bring about decades of determined action and action."

Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, said during the G20 summit in Rome that "there is no plausible excuse for our continued procrastination on the climate issue. Not only do we recognize the problem, we have already seen firsthand the devastation caused by climate change, heat waves "Forest fires and hurricanes."

The Pope enlists in the struggle

Pope Francis also spoke from Rome, saying that "the climate conference must offer real hope to future generations. We must dedicate ourselves to an urgent and rapid change of direction in which we move. The decision-makers who will convene in Glasgow must offer a message of hope."

Neta Bar participated in the preparation of the article.

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