The Limited Times

The Pope: "Follow the guidance of children on climate, it's time to act"

10/31/2021, 8:09:01 AM

"They understood the enormity of today's challenges, an opportunity from the crisis" (ANSA)  The Pope exhorts us to "follow the lead" of the little ones in facing the climate challenge and beyond. In the unpublished text, preface to the book 'Laudato si reader', published by Corriere della Sera on the eve of Cop26, Francesco explains how "crises" are "also windows of opportunity", "to recognize and learn from the mistakes of the past", for "change bad habits". "The recent past has shown

 The Pope exhorts us to "follow the lead" of the little ones in facing the climate challenge and beyond. In the unpublished text, preface to the book 'Laudato si reader', published by Corriere della Sera on the eve of Cop26, Francesco explains how "crises" are "also windows of opportunity", "to recognize and learn from the mistakes of the past", for "change bad habits". "The recent past has shown us that it is above all our children who have understood the scale and enormity of the challenges facing society, especially the climate crisis", he writes, "we must follow their lead", "it is time to act together "" The 'Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor'that I presented in Laudato si as an emblematic consequence of our failure to take care of our common home has recently been amplified by the emergency of Covid-19 ", says the pontiff." Nevertheless, let's not forget that crises are also windows of opportunity : they are occasions to recognize and learn from the mistakes of the past "," they are also a time for us to change gear, change bad habits ". In his opinion" it is time to develop a new form of universal solidarity "." My hope and my prayer - he continues - is that we do not come out of this crisis the same when we entered it ".Nevertheless, let us not forget that crises are also windows of opportunity: they are occasions to recognize and learn from the mistakes of the past "," they are also a time for us to change gear, change bad habits ". In his opinion" it is time to develop a new form of universal solidarity "." My hope and my prayer - he continues - is that we do not come out of this crisis the same when we entered it ".Nevertheless, let us not forget that crises are also windows of opportunity: they are occasions to recognize and learn from the mistakes of the past "," they are also a time for us to change gear, change bad habits ". In his opinion" it is time to develop a new form of universal solidarity "." My hope and my prayer - he continues - is that we do not come out of this crisis the same when we entered it ".My hope and my prayer - he continues - is that we do not come out of this crisis the same when we entered it ".My hope and my prayer - he continues - is that we do not come out of this crisis the same when we entered it ".