The Limited Times

The Supreme Court ordered the evacuation of Palestinian invaders from a plot in Sheikh Jarrah Israel today

10/31/2021, 9:39:13 PM

This is a plot that controls the entire area and is owned by the municipality • The judges ruled that there is no reason to intervene in the district court's ruling and imposed a NIS 18,000 lawsuit on the residents

The Supreme Court today (Sunday) rejected the appeal of the Palestinian residents against the decision of the Magistrate's Court and the District Court to evict them from a parking lot they had invaded in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

The judges imposed on the appellants legal expenses in the amount of NIS 18,000.

"We have heard the parties' arguments and reviewed the material. Therefore, the appeal can be dismissed because we did not find any reason to intervene in this determination," wrote Vice President Justice Neil Handel, Justice Yitzhak Amit and Justice Noam Solberg.

This is a plot that controls the entire area and is owned by the municipality.

Recently, Palestinian residents invaded there and turned the place into a parking lot that was also used to throw stones and Molotov cocktails at the controlled area.

The High Court ruling confirms the district court's decision and states that the place should be vacated by the Palestinian invaders.

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