The Limited Times

Washington condemns "heinous attacks" by the Burmese junta

10/31/2021, 7:44:45 PM

The United States condemns the "abominable attacks" of the Burmese junta in Chin (western) state, where it is accused of having destroyed more than a hundred ...

The United States condemns the "abominable attacks" of the Burmese junta in the state of Chin (west), where it is accused of having destroyed more than 100 homes and Christian churches, said Sunday Ned Price, spokesman for the state department.


These heinous attacks show that it is urgent for the international community to hold the Burmese army to account and to take measures to prevent gross violations and abuses of human rights,

" he said in a statement. .

Burma sinks into civil war

Washington cited reports of "

gross human rights violations

" and the destruction "

of more than a hundred homes and Christian churches



We condemn these brutal actions of the Burmese regime against people, their homes and places of worship, which demonstrate the regime's total disregard for the life and well-being of the Burmese people,

" he added. .

Local media and witnesses reported on Friday that the junta's armed forces shelled the town of Thantlang in Chin State after a confrontation with local self-defense forces.

According to residents, a fire then ravaged the city of 7,500 people, destroying dozens of homes and other buildings, including an office of the NGO Save the Children.

The ruling military on Saturday accused the People's Defense Forces (PDF) of being behind the fire, citing two churches and 70 homes destroyed by fire.

Washington is also "

deeply concerned by the intensification of military operations

" in several regions of Burma, and calls on the junta to "

immediately end the violence, release all those unjustly detained and put Burma back on the path to democracy

", continued the spokesperson.

Burma has been in chaos since the February military coup followed by fierce repression.

US President Joe Biden expressed his "

deep concern

" on


at the violence in Burma at the annual summit between the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).