The Limited Times

2500 different titles in the Book Fair of the Syndicate of Engineers in Aleppo

11/1/2021, 9:57:38 PM

Aleppo-SANA The Syndicate of Engineers in Aleppo organized today a book fair that included 2,500 different titles in various fields of engineering


Today, the Syndicate of Engineers in Aleppo organized a book fair that included 2,500 different titles in various engineering fields, intellectual books, in addition to the syndicate's publications, at encouraging prices.

The exhibition included the titles of the Engineers Syndicate's publications containing the necessary codes and regulations in the work of engineering studies, with discounts ranging between 10 and 30 percent, with the aim of encouraging university students to purchase books at nominal prices.

Mariette Jabbour, head of the Advertising and Publication Department at the Engineers Syndicate in Aleppo, confirmed in a statement to SANA reporter that the exhibition is concerned with the social, cultural and professional aspect of engineers, explaining that it is annual and stresses the importance of paper books as they are the main reliable and verified reference, especially in light of the increase in electronic information from unknown sources and which cannot be relied upon. The exhibition will continue until the fourth of this month.

Engineer Mohamed Nael Kaadan, one of the exhibition's visitors, pointed out that there are a number of basic and necessary references on which architecture depends.

Dr. Eng. Muhammad Ayman Shaar stated that the exhibition is a competition between the book in its traditional form and the electronic versions, stressing its importance for introducing engineers to the existing books because it includes various titles in literary and engineering fields at acceptable prices.

Zainab Chahoud