The Limited Times

COP26: Boris Johnson mocked on his return to London by plane rather than by train, after his call to save the planet

11/1/2021, 7:09:10 PM

"It is important that the Prime Minister can move around the country and we face significant time constraints", justi

“It's one minute to midnight on the apocalypse clock.

We must act now.

"The words of Boris Johnson, at the opening of COP26 on Monday, have a little bitterness in some ... After calling for efforts against global warming at COP26, the British Prime Minister will return to London by plane , means of transport much more polluting than the train.

Such a contrast between words and deeds that Downing Street had to justify itself.

Coming directly from the G20 meeting in Rome on Sunday, the conservative leader had joined Scotland, where a UN conference is being held until November 12, which is crucial for the future of the planet, on board the official Airbus of the government, in the colors of the Union Jack.

He will use the same device to return to London on Tuesday, Downing Street said, after warning that if COP26 fails to step up efforts to limit global warming, "our children (...) will not forgive us" .

"The fuel we use is sustainable"

"It is important that the Prime Minister can travel in the country and we face significant time constraints", justified the spokesman for Boris Johnson, questioned by journalists in Glasgow.

“The fuel we use is sustainable and emissions offset as well,” he insisted.

London and Glasgow can be connected in 4.5 hours by train.

Other leaders are also singled out for their environmentally unfriendly trips, firstly US President Joe Biden, whose convoy to the G20 in Rome totaled more than 80 vehicles, including his highly fuel-intensive official car, nicknamed "The Beast" ( " The beast ").

Aviation is in the crosshairs of conservationists.

But many of those who had chosen the train to go to COP26 on Sunday had to fall back on this much more polluting mode of travel, due to a Sunday interruption in rail traffic between London and Glasgow following the fall of 'a tree on a catenary.