The Limited Times

Fishing: retaliatory measures against Britain postponed by 24 hours

11/1/2021, 8:03:26 PM

The retaliatory measures, initially scheduled to come into force Tuesday at midnight, are postponed by 24 hours. Time to find a

24 hours of respite… "The discussion will continue tomorrow (Tuesday)" with the British, Emmanuel Macron announced Monday evening to the press, on the sidelines of the COP26.

The retaliatory measures planned by France, which were initially to come into force on Tuesday, at midnight, are therefore postponed by 24 hours.

"It is not while we are negotiating that we will impose sanctions", justified the French president.

Britain and France have been at odds for several months over the number of licenses granted to French fishermen to fish in British waters, under the Brexit deal.

“Discussions between ministers have resumed. They are continuing on the basis of the proposals I made to Boris Johnson. France is awaiting a counter-proposal on Tuesday afternoon from the British government so that a favorable outcome can be found to this crisis, ”explained Emmanuel Macron, in front of an audience of journalists and young people gathered at COP26.

The retaliatory measures, announced last week by France, provide for a ban on British fishermen from disembarking in French ports, a systematic safety check of British vessels, a strengthening of health and customs controls for all British vessels unloading on French ports and tighter controls on trucks to and from Great Britain. These measures, if implemented, could hamper the business of many UK companies.

"The French have made completely unreasonable threats, including against the Channel Islands and our fishing industry and they must withdraw these threats," British Foreign Minister Liz Truss told Sky News on Monday.

London had warned that it was also preparing to strengthen controls on European fishing boats, if French retaliatory measures were applied.

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