The Limited Times

People's Assembly: The Balfour Declaration is invalid and a flagrant violation of the most basic standards of international law

11/1/2021, 7:50:50 PM

Damascus, SANA- The People’s Assembly affirmed that Syria will continue to stand by the Palestinian Arab people until their legitimate rights are restored


The People's Assembly affirmed Syria's continued support for the Palestinian Arab people until the full restoration of their legitimate rights, and its support by all means and means to reach a just and comprehensive solution to its cause in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy and international law.

The council said in a statement issued on the 114th anniversary of the ominous Balfour Declaration, a copy of which was received by SANA today, that this false promise was given to those who do not have to those who do not deserve, and it is a flagrant violation of the most basic standards of international law.

The Council considered that what is happening today in Palestine is a reflection of the repercussions of this promise that Britain gave to the world Zionist movement on November 2, 1917, through its then Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour, which included the establishment of a national home for the Jews on the land of Arab Palestine, where the Arab people in Palestine would be subjected to the harshest forms of oppression. And aggression through Zionist practices and the brutal and continuous attempts of the usurping entity to subjugate the Palestinians, thwarting any efforts to reach a solution to the Palestinian issue, and imposing dictates and conditions by the global colonial and imperialist powers, especially the United States.

The statement stressed that the Palestinian issue has always been the first central Syrian issue, and this is what explains to the whole world the reasons for the fierce aggressive terrorist attack and the subsequent unjust measures and unjust siege that included various aspects of the life of the Syrian citizen during the past years and until now in desperate attempts to destabilize their firm, principled positions toward This issue.