The Limited Times

Tomorrow at the climate conference: Bennett will meet with Bahrain prime minister Israel today

11/1/2021, 8:57:52 PM

The meeting with Salman bin Hamed al-Khalifa will be the first in which a leader from one of the countries of the Avraham Accords meets an Israeli prime minister • During the committee in Glasgow, Bennett discussed with Macron the spy affair and asked the Australian Prime Minister to condemn Iran

The Glasgow Conference will hold its second day of debate tomorrow (Tuesday), during which Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is expected to devote most of his time to meetings with world leaders who also came to the conference.

For example, Levant is expected to make a historic meeting with the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Bahrain, Salman bin Hamed al-Khalifa.

This will be the first time that a leader from one of the countries of the Avraham Accords meets an Israeli prime minister.

Another significant conversation is expected for Bennett with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whom he met yesterday for a brief conversation in the conference conference hall.

Yesterday, Bennett had a difficult conversation with French President Emanuel Macron, much of whom dealt with the NSO affair (an affair in which it was alleged that Moroccan intelligence used Israeli society's software to eavesdrop on the French president's personal phone).

The two concluded that the issue will continue to be addressed in a discreet and professional manner and in a spirit of transparency between the parties.

It was further agreed between the leaders to strengthen cooperation between the countries and look ahead.

Bennett also presented Macron in detail his position on the Iranian nuclear issue.

The Prime Minister later also met with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Bennett thanked Morrison for Australia's long - standing support of Israel in the international arena.

The two also discussed ways to strengthen and upgrade relations between the countries, with an emphasis on climate innovation.

In addition, the two leaders discussed at length the Iranian nuclear threat.

The prime minister has asked Morrison to work for a firm condemnation of Iran as part of the forthcoming meeting of the Board of Governors (BOG) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is expected to take place later this month.

The Prime Minister also asked that Australia define Hezbollah, in all its wings, as a terrorist organization officially - an issue that is currently on the agenda in Australia.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Environmental Protection, Tamar Zandberg, the National Security Adviser and the head of the National Security Council, Dr. Eyal Hulta, and the political advisor, Shimrit Meir.

There were also those who did not miss an opportunity to attack Israel.

Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Eshtiya, who spoke at the conference, pointed the finger of blame at Israel and said that "the Israeli occupation is the main barrier to moving to a sustainable future."

He claimed, among other things, that settlers were causing environmental damage due to construction in green areas and uprooting of olive trees.

"Despite the systematic destruction of the Palestinian environment, Palestine is taking steps to support adaptation to climate change in line with its national development plan," he said.

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