The Limited Times

Two seniors from Freising and Moosburg fall for a sneaky trick

11/1/2021, 7:15:50 PM

Two elderly gentlemen from Moosburg and Freising fell for a particularly sneaky scam by trick thieves over the weekend. The police are looking for witnesses.

Two elderly gentlemen from Moosburg and Freising fell for a particularly sneaky scam by trick thieves over the weekend.

The police are looking for witnesses.

Moosburg / Freising

- An 88-year-old rural district citizen fell for a trick thief on Friday around 11.30 a.m.

The pensioner withdrew a three-digit amount from his account at Sparkasse Moosburg and put it in his wallet when he left the branch.

A short time later, the man on the map was approached by another man and asked if he could change him a two-euro coin.

The 88-year-old man then took out his wallet and looked for suitable coins.

The other man said he wanted to help.

When the purse was handed over, it fell to the ground and was then picked up by the stranger.

(By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

After the money exchange was completed, the 88-year-old man took his wallet back and put it in his pocket.

The stranger left the location in an unknown direction.

A short time later, the 88-year-old discovered that all of his banknotes had been taken from his wallet.

The pensioner described the unknown perpetrator as follows: about 40 years old, about 1.65 meters tall, with a slightly squat stature and short, dark, wavy hair - according to the police report, a "southern type".

He is also said to have worn a dark fabric jacket and dark trousers.

Anyone who can provide information about the perpetrator or who has observed the incident on the map is asked to contact the Moosburg police on telephone (0 87 61) 3 01 80.

Freisinger Senior also falls for a shabby scam

An 81-year-old Freising man was approached by a stranger on Friday in General-von Nagel-Strasse in Freising and asked to change two euros. While the senior was looking for change in his wallet, he was bombarded with questions by the stranger and thereby distracted. Only when the stranger had left did the victim realize that over 200 euros had been stolen from his wallet. An immediate search for the perpetrator was unsuccessful. The man was described by the injured party as follows: about 1.70 meters tall, about 55 years old, without a beard, without glasses - according to the police, a “Western / Northern European appearance”. He spoke broken German and wore a dark jacket. Anyone who can provide information about the crime or the perpetrator is askedto contact the Freising Police Station by phone (0 81 61) 5 30 50.


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