The Limited Times

Funding of the presidential campaign: Macron returns Le Pen to the law

11/2/2021, 5:58:04 PM

INFO LE FIGARO - The President of the Republic replied at the end of October to the letter sent to him by candidate RN. He refuses his request to seize the Parliament to relax the restrictions.

It's no.

In a letter addressed to Marine Le Pen on October 25, revealed by RTL and that

Le Figaro

has obtained, Emmanuel Macron closes the door at the request of the candidate RN.

The latter had written to him on September 2 to demand an easing of the terms "

of financing of electoral campaigns



Many potential candidates for the presidential election (...) find themselves confronted with an almost impossibility of finding financing, because the banks are particularly cautious

", lamented the deputy.

Before calling on the president to "

seize Parliament very quickly in order to open up new funding possibilities


To discover

  • Presidential 2022: where are the candidates in the polls?

Introducing himself in his mail as the “

guarantor of the institutions

”, the President of the Republic declines, refusing to “

comment on such an initiative



The organization of a parliamentary debate that you are calling for constitutes a prerogative shared between the executive power and the legislative power

," recalls Emmanuel Macron.


The timetable being fixed during the Conference of Presidents of the National Assembly, I therefore invite you to get closer to its president or to the presidents of the parliamentary groups

", he adds.

Macron does not answer on the Bank of Democracy

For the presidential election of April 10 and 24, 2022, a source of concern for Marine Le Pen, the Head of State finally returns the RN candidate to the law. Emmanuel Macron underlines in particular the existence of a "

credit mediator, whose mission is to facilitate dialogue

between banking institutions (and) candidates or political parties

". And this, he insists, since "

the law of September 15, 2017 relating to confidence in political life

", carried by the Chancellery at the start of the five-year term.

This is followed by an exhaustive and technical reminder of the various texts and provisions already in force.

Loans and repayable advances to candidates;

capping and mechanism for donations from natural persons;

related tax deductions;

personal contribution of the candidate;

loans from political parties;


... And even a ban on donations from foreign states.

The only oversight in his missive: Emmanuel Macron does not respond to the stillborn project of the Bank of Democracy, yet promised by François Bayrou when he was Keeper of the Seals.