The Limited Times

Sophie Pétronin and the embarrassed silence of Emmanuel Macron

11/2/2021, 5:57:11 PM

ANALYSIS - On the Villacoublay aerodrome on Friday, Emmanuel Macron did not comment on the return to the country of Sophie Pétronin, held hostage for three years, nine months and two weeks in the Sahel.

His intervention was expected. Finally, he fell silent. On the Villacoublay aerodrome, Friday, Emmanuel Macron did not comment on the return to the country of Sophie Pétronin, held hostage for three years, nine months and fifteen days in the Sahel. He could have rejoiced, as always in such circumstances. In the seven years that the French army has been engaged there, this release should have been good news. Finally one, while many are wondering about the need to continue this operation which has already cost the lives of fifty of our soldiers! Faced with a jihadist nebula as elusive as it is determined and on a territory as large as Europe, France and the 5,000 men of the "Barkhane" force are stuck in an endless war, made up of kidnappings, murderous attacks,of attacks ... To overcome it seems to be an impossible mission.

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