The Limited Times

Thousands protest against Habima Square government: "Together we will return to power" Israel today

11/2/2021, 7:03:37 PM

Opponents of the right-wing government gathered in Tel Aviv and called for a change of government • MK Qarai:

Thousands of people gathered tonight (Tuesday) in a protest demonstration in Habima Square against Naftali Bennett's government.

Speakers called against government policy and accused the prime minister of shuffling in polls. 

MK Shlomo Qarai said during the demonstration: "This is a Jewish state and not a state of all its citizens and all its terrorists led by Abbas and Tibi.

You have no mandate to sell all of our national assets in exchange for a stew of government.

Our struggle is for national resilience and Jewish resilience.

We have something that is not wise - the truth.

Because we are continuing the path of the Jewish people.

In Gaza, we will return very soon with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Former MK Osnat Mark said: "We will not be silent anymore - we will continue to fill the squares until this evil government passes from the world.

The public says yes to Benjamin Netanyahu. " 

"Yes we are the Bibists and we are proud of that. Because we know how to appreciate what is a leader who has brought us achievements in the economy, in security, in Corona. Iranian laws will not help here - we can not rob anyone of the rule of the people. "There will be no prime minister," Mark told the crowd. 

MK Miri Regev was received to the applause of those present and said. "Good evening to the guardians of democracy.

When you came from all over the land, you came to enlighten Israel from the great darkness.

I was excited to get to the big right demonstration.

The way left-wing organizations scare us and delegitimize us.

I beep at them.

For years, left-wing organizations took to the streets - behaving violently and with black flags.

We are with the flags of Israel.

What would happen if they had a coffin - we were already at police stations. " 

The chairman of Religious Zionism, Bezalel Smutrich, spoke: "We are turning on the light in Israel.

Because we are the majority and we are right we know that no politics and no government will defeat Israel, Zionism and our Jewish state.

Want to fix the justice system?

We have one role - to strengthen our faith and with the help of the name we will do and succeed.

We will replace this government as soon as possible with a national camp government