The Limited Times

Bavaria tightens the rules: As soon as the traffic light changes - Söder announces drastic measures

11/4/2021, 4:37:10 AM

The state government around Markus Söder reacted today to the rising corona numbers. The hospital traffic lights have been redefined, there are stricter rules. All news in the ticker.

The state government around Markus Söder reacted today to the rising corona numbers.

The hospital traffic lights have been redefined, there are stricter rules.

All news in the ticker.

  • The Corona * numbers in Bavaria continue to rise.

    The government of Markus Söder * has therefore tightened the rules (see update from November 3, 1:47 p.m.).

  • The hospital traffic light has been redefined.

  • (By the way: Our Bavaria newsletter informs you about all the important stories from the Free State. Register here.)

Update from November 3, 1:47 p.m.:

Bavaria is tightening the corona rules significantly in view of the sharp increase in the number of infections.

The hospital traffic lights were readjusted and appropriate measures were taken.

Hospital traffic lights in Bavaria: FFP2 masks with yellow warning level, changes with 3G / 2G

The traffic light turns yellow when 450 intensive care beds are occupied nationwide, said Prime Minister Markus Söder on Wednesday after a cabinet meeting.

The traffic light shows red when 600 intensive care beds across the country are occupied.

Even at the yellow level, additional protective measures come into effect, as the CSU boss explained.

It will be switched to FFP2 masks.

Where the 3G rule previously applied - i.e. admission only for vaccinated, convalescent or negative testers, the 3G-plus rule (PCR test instead of rapid test) then applies.

Where previously 3G-plus applied, 2G applies (vaccinated, recovered).

Retail and public transport are excluded.

In the case of 3G, it remains in the higher education sector and in training institutions.

Hospital traffic light on red: 3G in the workplace, 2G is being expanded

If the traffic light turns red, for example the 3G rule applies at the workplace.

2G will be expanded significantly.

The 3G-plus rule would then apply across the board for the catering trade - unvaccinated people who have not recovered would need a PCR test to visit restaurants.

The regulations of a red hospital traffic light also apply to hotspots in which there is a seven-day incidence of more than 300 and an intensive care bed occupancy of more than 80 percent.

Söder-Kabinett decides to make mask compulsory in schools

To curb the sharp rise in corona infections, the Bavarian state government has decided to temporarily reintroduce the mask requirement in Bavaria's schools.

After the autumn break, masks must be worn in the primary schools for one week and in the secondary schools for two weeks, regardless of the minimum distance, as the cabinet decided on Wednesday in Munich.

The Söder press conference in re-live - Bavaria tightened rules

Corona in Bavaria: Söder announces rules - The press conference for reading

1:23 p.m

.: Today's meeting was "stressful", says Minister of Education Michael Piazolo, referring to the reports from the hospitals.

In order to "ensure classroom teaching", the safety net was set up in schools.

This will now be reinforced again.

The AHA rules are very important, they should be adhered to.

There is a "tight test regime" in schools, three times in secondary schools and twice in elementary schools.

Now there is also the possibility of vaccination.

"We can go even further," he thinks.

The safety net should be tied closer after the holidays.

The mask requirement in class will be reintroduced from November 8th: initially two weeks in secondary schools, one week in elementary schools.

But one will discuss whether this will be extended.

After the holidays, we also urgently recommend a self-test on Monday.

Corona in Bavaria - Minister of Health: "The situation could not be foreseen like this"

1:15 p.m.:

After Söder, Klaus Holetschek speaks.

“The situation could not be foreseen in this way,” says Bavaria's Minister of Health, referring to the hospitals and the health system.

The fact that nurses stop or switch to temporary work “must not leave us indifferent”. He wants to work to improve conditions and also makes the possible traffic light coalition responsible for this.

“It cannot be that an intensive care bed cannot be operated because the people are not there”.

That the supply is guaranteed is "at least as important as climate protection," said the CSU minister.

Corona Freedom Day?

Söder becomes clear: "Absurd"

1:10 p.m

.: "Very unfortunate that we are always faced with a new corona loop," said Söder.

The virus "came to stay".

Vaccination is the easiest way to deal with corona.

But you can also feel that society is dividing.

He describes the debate about “Freedom Days” as “absurd”.

That is only possible if everyone gets vaccinated.

Corona in Bavaria: Söder tightens rules and calls for booster vaccinations

1:05 p.m.:

The vaccination situation is central.

"If the vaccination does not improve, we are facing difficult times," says Söder with clear words.

Vaccination does not protect 100 percent from the infection, but from a severe course.

It is the best way out of the pandemic.

He calls for booster vaccinations to be made possible for everyone who received a second vaccination six months ago.

Also combined with an antibody test.

From a Bavarian point of view, this is "very useful."

Further measures that were decided today: “We don't want a lockdown,” he assured us at the beginning.

At school there will be a mask requirement for two weeks from next week.

Tests should take place in classes every day for a maximum security level.

Corona in Bavaria: hospital traffic lights on yellow or red?

These rules then apply

The hospital traffic light was made more precise.

The yellow level is reached from 450 intensive care beds, red with 600 intensive care beds.

The whole thing is supplemented by the "Hotspots area".

Hotspot means: incidence from 300, intensive bed occupancy of 80 percent.

Measures from yellow onwards: In the case of masks, a switch is made to FFP2 masks;

Upgrade in corona management, 3G becomes 3Gplus.

And from 3G plus you get 2G (disco and clubs).

Retail and public transport are not affected by this upgrade.

In addition: Obligation to test in old people's homes and in care.

Measures from red: 3G at the workplace and 2G will be expanded to cover all areas of events, culture, etc. Except for 2G: public transport and retail.

3G plus remains with catering and body-friendly services (eg hairdresser);

Contact restrictions "We do not consider them to be expedient or feasible."

Söder also speaks of a Covid surcharge for hospitals.

Half of the surcharges should be diverted to the nursing staff.

Markus Söder: "The fourth wave of Corona is rolling through Germany"

1 p.m .:

The press conference begins.

"The fourth wave of Corona is rolling through Germany," says Markus Söder.

We are facing a “hard winter” - even if it's annoying, said the CSU boss.

The incidences are significantly higher than in the previous waves, especially among young people.

“It's a pandemic for the unvaccinated,” he says, looking at the occupied hospital beds.

Where the infection rate is high, the vaccination situation is relatively poor.

A “very tense situation” prevails in hospitals and the situation is dramatic in hotspots, according to Söder.

Sometimes not a single bed is free.

The decisive factor, what is a challenge, is not just Covid patients.

"We definitely do not want other operations that are urgently needed to be canceled," says Söder with regard to cancer patients, for example.

“It's an absurd argument”, one still has an epidemic situation, “what else?” Asks Söder with a view to the expiring epidemic situation.

Update from November 3, 12.30 p.m.:

In half an hour, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder will appear in front of the press together with Health Minister Klaus Holetschek and Education Minister Michael Piazolo.

The topic in the cabinet today was again the corona pandemic.

You can follow the press conference at 1 p.m. here in the live stream and ticker.

Söder-Kabinett meets on the Corona situation in Bavaria - seven hotspots in the Free State

Update from November 3, 10:50 a.m

.: Today, Wednesday, the Bavarian cabinet is advising on the Corona situation in the Free State.

Due to the sharp rise in incidences, the rules will probably be tightened.

At 1 p.m. there will be a press conference with Markus Söder (see first report).

The Robert Koch Institute for Bavaria reported an incidence of 228.4 for Wednesday (November 3).

Germany-wide hotspot is the district of Miesbach * (682.8).

The district of Mühldorf am Inn follows in second place (618.1).

Seven of the ten German hotspots are currently in the Free State.

Söder government is reacting to rising corona numbers - these tightened rules could threaten today

First report from November 3, 6:30 a.m

.: Munich - The Bavarian state government around Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU *) wants to react to the drastically increased corona numbers * on Wednesday (November 3) and resolve to tighten the measures.

Among other things, the mask requirement for pupils in class is to be reintroduced.

The hospital traffic light - so far only available nationwide - is to be regionalized.

Corona numbers are increasing: Söder with a proposal - regions get ahead of the CSU boss

CSU boss Söder had also suggested that access to public events in hotspots should only be allowed for vaccinated and convalescent people (2G).

The Bavarian Prime Minister has already come to the particularly affected regions beforehand.

Several districts in the south of the Free State had already decided on stricter measures on Friday.

The cities and districts in Lower Bavaria followed suit on Tuesday.

In the affected municipalities, the capacity utilization of the hospitals and their intensive care units is already at the limit, the local politicians spoke of a situation that is becoming “increasingly dramatic”.

Söder press conference on the corona situation in Bavaria

There will be a press conference after the cabinet meeting on Wednesday. At 1 p.m. Markus Söder, together with Minister of Health Klaus Holetschek and Minister of Culture Michael Piazolo, will provide information about the current Corona situation in the Free State.

It is also to be decided that Bavarian students must wear a mask again during lessons.

The free voters in the state parliament spoke out against such a decision before the cabinet meeting.

"The threshold for further protective measures in schools has not yet been reached," said their parliamentary manager Fabian Mehring of the

Augsburger Allgemeine.


"If we now introduce the mask requirement and the situation then worsens further towards winter, we will quickly have the debate about closing schools completely."

(Came / dpa) * / bayern is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubric lists: © Peter Kneffel / dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

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