The Limited Times

Isabelle Rouhan (Colibri Talent): "Automation is the friend of employment"

11/5/2021, 5:37:00 PM

INTERVIEW - The president of the recruitment firm evokes the fourth employment revolution, that of artificial intelligence.

Isabelle Rouhan heads Colibri Talent, an executive recruiting and outplacement firm that she founded in 2017. She chairs the Observatory of future professions and has just published

Emploi 4.0.

What professions for successful technological transformation?

at Éditions Atlande.

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- How do you explain the paradox of having 6 million people registered with Pôle emploi and recruitment tensions at the highest level?

Isabelle ROUHAN.-

This gap is linked to the acceleration of the transformation of the economy in which we live and which impacts the needs of companies.

On the one hand, there is massive job creation and destruction, but not in the same sectors (industry or construction cuts jobs when e-commerce creates them) nor for the same people.

The health crisis has also accelerated the changes underway, in particular digitization, and the volumes of training, to fill the shortage of jobs, are insufficient.

The challenge for employers is more and more to find

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