The Limited Times

Bavaria: knife attack in ICE

11/6/2021, 2:37:39 PM

The emergency call was received by the police around nine o'clock: There was a knife attack on an ICE between Regensburg and Nuremberg. Several people were injured.

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ICE in Seubersdorf: large-scale operation after knife attack

Photo: --- / picture alliance / dpa / vifogra

There was a knife attack on an ICE between Regensburg and Nuremberg.

A spokesman for the Upper Palatinate police headquarters said a 27-year-old suspect was arrested on the train.

There is a suspicion of an attempted homicide.

Three people were seriously injured in the incident and are currently being treated in hospital.

He could not say anything about the background of the crime, the spokesman said, it was unclear.

"The investigation is ongoing." The train is currently in Seubersdorf in the Upper Palatinate.

There should be no other suspects

A spokesman for the Red Cross said on Saturday lunchtime that around 200 to 300 passengers evacuated from the train are currently being looked after in a hall near Seubersdorf train station.

Pictures from there show a large number of police and rescue workers.

110 helpers from the Red Cross alone are therefore on duty.

Trains diverted via Ingolstadt

The emergency call was reportedly received by the police around nine o'clock.

The Regenburg-Nuremberg railway line was then closed.

Trains on the route were held back at suitable stations, said a spokesman for Deutsche Bahn.

In the meantime, long-distance traffic is being diverted via Ingolstadt.

For passengers, that means 30 to 60 minutes longer travel times.

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) was appalled.

"The cruel knife attack in the ICE is terrible," quoted Ministry spokesman Steve Alter on Twitter.

Seehofer hoped that the injured and eyewitnesses would recover quickly and completely.

At the same time, according to the tweet, he thanked the police forces and the train crew "for their brave efforts."

The background of the act would now have to be clarified.

"Only then is an assessment possible." Seehofer is in office until a new government is formed.

hen / sms / AFP / dpa

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