The Limited Times

Travel with peace of mind|Compulsory scan code for nearly a week

11/6/2021, 9:49:18 AM

The Hong Kong Government requires that from November 1st, citizens entering and leaving government premises, including markets under the jurisdiction of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, must use "Travel with peace of mind". Almost a week after the implementation of the mandatory "reassurance", have the people adapted to the new changes? Many citizens today

The Hong Kong Government requires that from November 1st, citizens entering and leaving government premises, including markets under the jurisdiction of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, must use "Travel with peace of mind".

Almost a week after the implementation of the mandatory "reassurance", have the people adapted to the new changes?

Many citizens went to the market in Kowloon City to buy food as usual today (6th). Many elderly people still complained about the inconvenience of compulsory "reassurance" for nearly a week.

There are chicken stalls in the market for the convenience of the elderly. They simply provide a short-distance "delivery" service. Staff are sent to the market from the stalls. The elderly can buy live chickens without scanning the code to enter the market.

Some illiterate elderly said that in the past they would go to the Kowloon City market to buy food almost every day, but since the mandatory scan code was implemented, they felt that the measures were cumbersome and decided to "transition". If not necessary, they would go to other shops to buy food.


All entrances and exits of the Kowloon City Market are guarded by staff of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. All citizens who want to enter the market must stop and scan the QR code for safe travel. Those who are exempt can enter by filling in the information.

On the scene today, some citizens who did not own smart phones wanted to borrow toilets in the market, but were turned away by the staff and had to go to the neighboring shopping malls to use the toilets. Some citizens complained that they had to enter the cooked food center, library or At the sports field, it is necessary to "pass a few passes" to scan the QR code of Safe Travel at the entrance of the building, and then scan the QR code of the destination place, which is considered very troublesome.

Customers find it troublesome and the business of market merchants will inevitably be affected. The Kowloon City market chicken stall "Big Sister Chicken Duck Goose" has recently launched a "door delivery" short-distance delivery service.

Customers who want to buy chickens call first, or beckon to the staff to place an order at the door of the market. When the live chickens are processed, the clerk will deliver them to the door for delivery.

Citizens do not need to scan the code to enter, and they can still buy ingredients successfully.

Mrs. Leung, the owner of the chicken stall, said that since the implementation of the mandatory use of peace of mind, older guests have reported that it is "not convenient" and "very troublesome". Some regular customers even said that "we must scan first. Buy chicken food." Merchants had no choice but to launch a door-to-door service, "to help scare the elderly."

She said that 4 to 5 customers bought live chickens in this way today.

Mrs. Leung lamented that since the implementation of the new measures, the flow of people in the market has obviously decreased. "According to the number of people on Fridays and Saturdays of the two days," I hope that the public can get used to it as soon as possible and resume the flow of people.

Uncle Liao: After compulsory scanning, don’t you dare to become a market

Uncle Liao went to the market in Kowloon City this afternoon to buy food. Because he was illiterate, he had never bought a smartphone. Finally, he was allowed to enter the market to buy food with the help of the staff. Just call it."

He believes that the government should consider the impact from the perspective of the elderly and illiterate citizens.

Uncle Liao also said that in the past, he would go to the market to buy food almost every day, but since the implementation of the new measures, "Don’t dare to grow old." Xianxian Market."


Mr. Chen, a merchant in the market: You have to beep several times when you push the cart and hold the goods in and out

Market merchants have not yet fully adapted to the scan code arrangement.

Mr. Chen, who is engaged in the retail business of plastic bags, needs to carry goods in and out of the market from time to time on weekdays. "Push the carts to hold the goods, and they have to beep several times." He described that when moving goods, you need to put the goods down and scan them. After reading the QR code and lifting the goods, I feel helpless despite the trouble.

Mr. Chen went on to say that he was also very confused about the government's requirement to enter and exit on different floors of the same building and to scan codes separately.

From time to time, market merchants would go to the cooked food center on the third floor of the Kowloon City market to eat, but they had to scan the code every time they went in and out. There are no ways to do it. Learn the government language and want to pass the customs." Mr. Chen also said that the flow of people in the market has decreased.

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