The Limited Times

"Anne Will" with Markus Söder: The "absolute nonsense" of the vaccine opponents

11/7/2021, 11:49:23 PM

What helps against the fourth wave - and the "tyranny of the unvaccinated"? At »Anne Will«, CSU boss Markus Söder worked on people who refused to be vaccinated. And then there was the question about Olaf Scholz.

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Markus Söder (archive image)

Photo: Peter Kneffel / dpa

The fourth wave is rolling through the country.

Why is that?

It is due to the tyranny of the unvaccinated, as Frank Ulrich Montgomery likes to express it so drastically when asked.

We experienced a "tyranny of the unvaccinated, who rule over the two-thirds of the vaccinated and impose these measures on us."

That's what "Anne Will" was about.

A corona policy that is increasingly becoming a vaccination policy.

And measures that threaten, would be sensible, are reasonable, are on the table and cannot be averted.

It is also a little about domestic politics.

In any case, Markus Söder wonders why a prime ministerial conference has not been called for next week on the subject of what Olaf Scholz is actually doing: "You are now in the situation that this is also your pandemic!"

First of all, the traffic light is not yet on, and secondly, the Green parliamentary group leader cannot help him either: "This is not my playing field," says Katrin Göring-Eckhardt - not without returning the ball.

After all, she says, the executive government could have already done "some preparation" for the current situation.

Also with regard to the legal certainty of the measures.

The situation is exacerbated by the information provided by FDP politician Marco Buschmann at least at the federal press conference that the pandemic will end on March 20, 2022 - or at least the "dominance of the executive".

Göring-Eckhardt protects the man.

Söder grimly notes that the traffic lights are already working.

More interesting is the question of the tyrants, the unvaccinated people, for example in care - whose tolerance, for example in old people's homes, repeatedly costs people in need of care their lives.

Christine Vogler does what she has to do as President of the German Nursing Council and would like to "take the employees out of the crosshairs".

In hospitals, according to Vogler, around 90 percent of nurses have already been vaccinated.

The situation in nursing homes is more difficult because it can hardly be checked: "We know about the rules if you keep them".

She rejects compulsory vaccination for this professional group alone.

There are "1.2 million nurses in this country" who are absolutely aware of their responsibility for the patients.

As a citizen, however, she would have the same rights and obligations as everyone else.

Alena Buyx, professor of medical ethics, contradicts and supports "compulsory vaccination where there is a special, professional responsibility."

You second Montgomery, with all due respect for Vogler's position: "But the old person has to be sure that I'm not a threat to him."

Things are not going well in Bavaria either

In Italy there is »3G in the workplace«, according to Montgomery.

Whoever does not get vaccinated there, must expect to lose his job.

It should also be considered that a vaccination expires after a certain period of time - and the vaccinated person is then again considered to be unvaccinated.

How, he would like to know from Söder, is the role model function of those FC Bayern players who have not yet been vaccinated?

Söder sighs.

Sensitive subject, he reacts very diplomatically.

The association must act on the service providers there, who are apparently still receiving false information.

He is responsible for a federal state that currently has devastating incidence figures.

Will wants to know why that is.

Söder sighs even deeper.

Yes, things look bleak in Baden-Württemberg, Saxony and beautiful Bavaria.

That is due to the many lateral thinking there.

But, "Ms. Göring-Eckhardt, we also have many followers of yours, esotericists, naturopaths ...".

And then he enumerates everything that must and will happen.

»More 2G«, »3G in the workplace«, faster third-party vaccinations, all of this is »to be massively advanced«.

Söder becomes clear: "We have this poison"

We talked, says Söder, "about a level of vaccination that sometimes falls back for centuries".

We have Corona, "and we have this poison," which would be spread by lateral thinkers and the AfD, chips, fatal vaccinations, long-term consequences.

That is "nonsense" and "absolute nonsense", which they can no longer deal with with conversations "on an equal footing".

So what to do

Vogler would like to advertise more.

Basically nothing has happened in this regard since the nationwide campaign with the rolled up sleeves.

Alena Buyx, Chairwoman of the German Ethics Council, would also like to see more creativity.

It would help, for example, to simply distribute appointments to write to people.

The "must now come into the surface, and please very, very quickly."

She complains that the discussion in Germany is so moral and polarized.

In Portugal and Denmark, on the other hand, “trust was placed” from the start.

To a we, a sense of community against an invisible enemy.

There, she admits, there is also greater trust "in science and state institutions" than in Germany.

Can such trust be regained with "target group-specific communication" alone?

That will have been shown by March 20th at the latest, on »Freedom Day«.

Or then stop in the fifth wave.