The Limited Times

A 21-year-old was arrested for beating outside the nightclub

11/7/2021, 5:26:02 PM

The alleged perpetrator of the brutal beating of a 32-year-old, which took place at dawn this morning outside the Number One nightclub in Cortefranca, Brescia, was arrested after a car accident. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BRESCIA, 07 NOV - The presumed responsible for the brutal beating of a 32-year-old, which took place at dawn this morning outside the Number One nightclub in Cortefranca, Brescia, after a road accident was arrested.

A 22-year-old boy residing in Bergamo with a history of fighting ended up in handcuffs.

    At the sight of the men of the mobile squad of the Brescia police station, the young man would have tried to escape.

He was arrested and taken to prison in Bergamo.

He is accused of attempted murder.