The Limited Times

Green pass: in Milan 11 reported and 115 identified in the march

11/7/2021, 2:31:31 PM

There are 11 people denounced by the police for the no Green pass march, the sixteenth, on Saturday in Milan and 115 are those identified in view of the opening of an investigation by the Prosecutor's Office. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, 07 NOV - There are 11 people denounced by the Police for the no Green pass march, the sixteenth, on Saturday in Milan and 115 are those identified in view of the opening of an investigation by the Prosecutor's Office. The accusations for various reasons are unannounced demonstration, interruption of public service, private violence, resistance to a public official, failure to comply with the provisions of the judicial authority against dependence of the Republic, of the constitutional institutions and of the armed forces. The demonstration, which did not follow the path indicated by the Chief of Police Giuseppe Petronzi, saw journalists and operators attacked with insults and pushes.

    The procession, which divided and created inconvenience to traffic, triggered, explain from the Police Headquarters, numerous protests by motorists (4 young people in a car were attacked) to which were added many insults from the balconies and windows of the house in the against the demonstrators and in one case a bucket of water. At the end of the demonstration, the police blocked irreducible between via Anfossi and via Sciesagli, who were allowed to leave only after being identified.

    Among the denounced and, therefore shortly investigated, in addition to two sisters aged 47 and 54, there is a 21-year-old Sardinian for carrying a small knife and for aggravated damage after he had smeared a police vehicle. And then two 23-year-old twins, held responsible for one of the three attacks, the one in Piazza Fontana, to the Fanpage chronicler: one for the port of a knife and resistance to a public official, one and the other for private violence. And again, a 29-year-old for demonstration unprepared interruption of public service - these crimes are contested to most of the no Green pass -, private violence and dangerous ignition of a smoke bomb. Among others, three men also ended up in trouble, a 24 year old from Bergamo, a 26 year old and a 34 year old from Lecco: next to the complaint,for them, the Questore issued the compulsory travel document from the municipality of Milan for one year. (HANDLE).

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