The Limited Times

Igor Olsik was charged with aggravated rape of a 14-year-old girl from Ashdod Israel today

11/7/2021, 11:49:17 PM

Defendant turned to the minor when she returned from school • The minor thought he needed help and therefore followed him to his apartment building, where he locked the door from the inside, took the keys and refused to let her out • In his room he committed obscene acts on her and her husband, without her free consent

An indictment was filed today (Sunday) against 44-year-old Igor Olsik for aggravated rape, indecent act and false imprisonment against a 14-year-old minor on the autistic continuum. 

According to the indictment, which was filed through attorney Tal Adir Cohen, on the afternoon of October 25, 2021, in the afternoon in Ashdod, a 14-year-old minor, an eighth-grade student, left school and took a bus to her home. When she got off the bus at the station, she began to walk alone towards her house. The defendant, who has no prior acquaintance with the minor, noticed her walking in the 6th district, approached her and began talking to her mainly in Russian, although she does not speak or understand the language. The defendant offered the minor to come with him, told her he had food and water and offered her to smoke. The minor did not understand all of the defendant's words and told Toma that the defendant needed help, so she accompanied him and followed him in the direction he led her.

The indictment states that the defendant led the minor to his apartment building, put her in his apartment, locked the door from the inside and took the keys.

In the apartment, the defendant smoked drugs in "Bang" and offered the minor to smoke, but she refused.

Next, the defendant grabbed the minor's waist and led her to his bedroom.

The minor told the defendant that she was 14 and also asked several times to open the door because she wanted to go to her house, but the defendant ignored her words.

In his room, the defendant committed indecent acts on the minor and her husband, without her free consent.

The suspect Igor Olsik during his arrest, near his home in Ashdod, Photo: Courtesy of the family

The prosecution requested that the defendant be detained until the end of the legal proceedings against him.

According to the prosecution, there is a reasonable basis for fearing that the defendant will endanger public safety.

As a request for arrest, the accused, who used to drink alcohol and use dangerous drugs, took advantage of the minor's innocence and misunderstanding with special needs and persuaded her to follow him, enter his apartment and commit sexual offenses, all while ignoring repeated requests to allow her to leave the apartment.

The request for arrest stated that the defendant treated the minor as a hunter who hunted his weak prey in the street, in broad daylight, led him to his apartment and carried out his plot, mercilessly.

In his actions, the defendant inflicted a real injury on the minor's soul.

The case was investigated at the Ashdod station, it should be noted that the suspect denied the assault during his interrogation.

Advocate Jeanne Zaitsev, who represents Igor Olsik on behalf of the Public Defender's Office, responded: "Igor cooperated with the investigators and provided a version of the chain of events.

He asserts that he did not assault the minor.

We are at the beginning of the legal process and naturally we have not yet received the investigation materials.

"Once we receive and study them, we will present our arguments in court."

"She mumbles in her sleep 'Help me' and wakes up screaming"

In an interview with the supplement that Israel Hayom sat on, M., T.'s mother, the girl who was injured, said that "her condition is getting worse day by day, there is no night that passes quietly, she constantly turns restlessly and in recent days mumbles out of sleep: 'Leave me, leave me "Get out of here," or "he came to me, he came to me, help me," she wakes up screaming. "

M. said in tears, "We were at the Lynn Rehabilitation Center in Ashkelon, which treats children who have been sexually abused, in the hope that it will be easier for her to talk to a police investigator who arrived without a uniform. I waited outside with Y., T.'s father and my divorcee. Entering the trunk. She said 'I want you to hide me there, in the dark. I do not want anyone to look at me.' After a long time she agreed to compromise and lie on the back seat.

"There is no woman who is raped and comes back to life as if it were nothing. So think about how a 14-year-old girl reacts with autism. What will happen to her in the future? Will she be able to have a marital relationship? Will you let men get closer to her? What life awaits her now? One day we will have to lift ourselves up again. "

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