The Limited Times

Libya: suspended foreign minister, cannot leave the country

11/7/2021, 1:01:19 PM

The Foreign Minister of the Libyan National Unity Government, Najla Al-Mangoush, was suspended from her duties and placed under a travel ban. A spokeswoman for the Presidential Council Najla Weheba told local media. (HANDLE)

 The Foreign Minister of the Libyan National Unity Government, Najla Al-Mangoush, was suspended from her duties and placed under a travel ban. A spokeswoman for the Presidential Council Najla Weheba told local media. The presidency has opened an investigation "for administrative violations", explained Panorama to Libya.

    According to the online site El-Marsad, close to General Haftar, a strong man from Cyrenaica, the minister made foreign policy decisions without having consulted the Council. 

This morning Libyan Prime Minister Abdul-Hamid Dbeibah rejected the presidential council's order to suspend Foreign Minister Najla Mangoush and told her to remain in his post. Thus a tweet from the Libya Observer quoting a note from the Council of Ministers: "The powers of the Presidential Council defined by the conclusions of the Libyan political dialogue, signed in Geneva, do not give the Presidential Council any legal right to appoint, revoke, suspend or investigate members of the Executive Authority ".

"The Libyan Council of Ministers has instructed the Foreign Minister to continue his work at the same pace, reiterating its appreciation for all the efforts made in favor of the nation in the exercise of his functions", reads a note on Facebook from Libyan national union government. "The Cabinet affirmed its efforts to unify institutions, reconcile points of view and resolve political problems on the basis of dialogue and positive communication between all parties, so that the important national deadline, the presidential election and legislative, may take place in a positive and healthy climate ", the note continues. "The powers of the Presidential Council - continues the statement - defined by the conclusions of the Libyan political dialogue,signed in Geneva, do not confer any legal right on the Presidential Council to appoint, revoke, suspend or investigate members of the Executive Authority. "" The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation achieved much appreciated success in international circles by organizing the Conference on the stability of Libya and adopting a policy of positive communication towards friendly and brother countries, which helps stability and prevents negative interference in Libyan affairs "." This therefore requires that all national authorities and parties support these efforts without prejudice to them ". , concludes the note."The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has achieved much appreciated success in international circles by organizing the Conference on the Stability of Libya and adopting a policy of positive communication towards friendly and brother countries, which helps stability and prevents negative interference in Libyan affairs ". "This therefore requires that all national authorities and parties support these efforts without prejudice to them," the note concludes."The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has achieved much appreciated success in international circles by organizing the Conference on the Stability of Libya and adopting a policy of positive communication towards friendly and brother countries, which helps stability and prevents negative interference in Libyan affairs ". "This therefore requires that all national authorities and parties support these efforts without prejudice to them," the note concludes.that it helps stability and prevents negative interference in Libyan affairs "." This therefore requires that all national authorities and parties support these efforts without prejudice to them, "the statement aid stability and prevent negative interference in Libyan affairs "." This therefore requires all national authorities and parties to support these efforts without prejudice to them, "the statement concludes.

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