The Limited Times

Libya: the foreign minister suspended, he cannot leave the country

11/7/2021, 8:49:17 AM

The Foreign Minister of the Libyan National Unity Government, Najla Al-Mangoush, was suspended from her duties and placed under a travel ban. A spokeswoman for the Presidential Council Najla Weheba (ANSA) told local media

The Foreign Minister of the Libyan National Unity Government, Najla Al-Mangoush, was suspended from her duties and placed under a travel ban.

A spokeswoman for the Presidential Council Najla Weheba told local media.

The presidency has opened an investigation "for administrative violations", explained Panorama to Libya.

According to the online site El-Marsad, close to General Haftar, a strong man from Cyrenaica, the minister made foreign policy decisions without having consulted the Council. 

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