The Limited Times

Light art explodes in Eindhoven

11/7/2021, 9:13:40 AM

Glow, the festival of lights in the Dutch city (ANSA) EINDHOVEN - Glow, the light art festival, is back, with magnificent and innovative light installations by 35 artists decorating the Dutch city of Eindhoven until 13 November. It is the largest open-air exhibition on light, accessible to anyone, where the facades of buildings and public places are transformed into evocative and fairytale works of art. The festival, whose theme this year is "Moved b

EINDHOVEN - Glow, the light art festival, is back, with magnificent and innovative light installations by 35 artists decorating the Dutch city of Eindhoven until 13 November. It is the largest open-air exhibition on light, accessible to anyone, where the facades of buildings and public places are transformed into evocative and fairytale works of art. The festival, whose theme this year is "Moved by Light" (pushed by light), hosts installations by great international artists and gives space to unique and innovative projects. The light art works are connected to each other by a walkable itinerary between the various installations, so as to admire the creative flair of the artists and the technology that supports them.

Unlike previous editions, this year's festival takes place in four different areas of Eindhoven: in the historic center, in the Strijp S creative district and in the innovative Strijp T district, in the modern area of ​​Campina and at the Eindhoven University of Technology. . These are the areas where the light installations are concentrated but the invitation of the festival organizers is to explore other areas as well: «Seeing the city with new eyes», says the director of the Glow foundation, Ronald Ramakers. "Getting around, visiting lesser-known places, getting to know artists, people and their stories personally is our goal".

Eindhoven's historic center and airport are home to the "Heavenly Doors" project by artist and entrepreneur Valerio Festi, which highlights his passion for open-air theater inspired by Renaissance festivals and Baroque ingenuity. The artist therefore constructs spectacular light installations and particularly suggestive open-air parties, with the support of highly talented artisans, technicians and creatives.

The "Domus Luma" project was specially designed for the former Augustinian church, now known as Domusdela. For his animations the artist and musician Yann Nguema combines projection, light and laser in an innovative and poetic narrative, digitally copying all the 50 thousand stones of the church and creating the illusion of a metamorphosis with the structure of the church.

Finally, the De Roodsdonck windmill in Nuenen, near Eindhoven, hosts the special luminous work of art "Sunflowers for Van Gogh", already exhibited during the 2019 edition of Glow and dedicated to the masterpiece of the famous Dutch painter.

Nuenen is the town where Vincent Van Gogh lived between 1883 and 1885 and where he painted his first masterpiece, "The Potato Eaters", which brings together his interest in ordinary people and his research on light, color and perspective.

The work of art pays homage to the artist's painting and also marks the beginning of the extension works of the Vincentre museum in Nuenen, where the "LightLab", an interactive experience of light based on work, will also be inaugurated in two years. by Vincent van Gogh.

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