The Limited Times

Serie A: Milan derby without winners, ends 1-1

11/7/2021, 10:31:16 PM

The Milan derby ends in a draw, 1-1. Milan and Inter waste a lot and at the final whistle there are many regrets for both, but a little more for the Nerazzurri with Tatarusanu neutralizing Lautaro Martinez's shot from eleven meters. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 07 - The Milan derby ends in a draw, 1-1.

Milan and Inter waste a lot and at the final whistle the regrets for both of them were great, but a little more for the Nerazzurri with Tatarusanu who neutralized Lautaro Martinez's shot from eleven meters.

The Rossoneri remain undefeated in the league, do not return to take advantage of Napoli's half misstep and thus the two-man race to the top of the standings continues.

Inter remain -7 points behind first place and the Rossoneri cousins ​​but have been more positive.

The goals came one from a penalty, converted by the former Calhanoglu, and the other for an own goal by De Vrij.

The result already at 17 'of the first half is fixed, even if Lautarosprecutes the second penalty in favor, while in the final assault Milan hits a post with Saelemaekers.