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Suffering from prominent capillaries? Get to know the solutions that will help you get rid of the problem - Walla! health

11/7/2021, 9:13:52 AM

Capillaries in the face and feet are an aesthetic nuisance for many of us. If you suffer from the problem, you should know that today it can be treated relatively easily, using various technologies tailored to the relevant area. This is how it works

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Suffering from prominent capillaries?

Get to know the solutions that will help you get rid of the problem

Capillaries in the face and feet are an aesthetic nuisance for many of us.

If you suffer from the problem, you should know that today it can be treated relatively easily, using various technologies tailored to the relevant area.

This is how it works


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Dr. Antonio Reina, Walla! Health in collaboration with zap doctors

Sunday, 07 November 2021, 07:02

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How do you deal with prominent capillaries?

(Photo: ShutterStock)

Prominent capillaries in "cobwebs" -like legs are one of the most well-known aesthetic defects, which prevent many of us from feeling comfortable to dress freely.

Before we talk about the ways to treat the phenomenon, here are some important facts that are worth knowing: Capillaries are very small blood vessels located in close proximity to the skin area.

Their job is to allow blood to exchange between blood vessels and cells.

In fact, prominent capillaries bother men and women, but mostly women.

The problem arises when the capillaries are not functioning properly, which causes their wall to expand which actually causes the blood cells in them to appear more prominent.

What affects capillary function?

One of the things that causes capillary dysfunction and aesthetic damage is first and foremost - our genetics.

Other reasons that may encourage their appearance are: hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, being overweight that causes stress in the venous system, prolonged standing and also - inactivity.

"Spider capillaries" (Photo: ShutterStock)

The treatment process, side effects and risks

About 40 years ago, a treatment using a polydocanol substance injected into a vein at a high concentration was developed in Germany.

The substance causes the veins to close, degenerate and disappear.

For our purposes - this treatment has been found to be particularly effective in removing capillaries.

Because the substance also contains few anesthetics, it does not require local anesthesia.

After the injection, cover the area and instruct the patient to wear an elastic stocking or bandage for the first few hours, in order to put moderate pressure on the capillaries so that they do not fill with blood again.

The amount of treatments is affected by the amount of relevant capillaries.

It is important to keep in mind that the process of capillary degeneration may take several months, so patience is required.

It is also important to know that the treatment only contributes to the disappearance of existing capillaries, but it does not prevent the development of new capillaries, since their appearance is mainly affected by magnetics.

There may also be side effects from the treatment. The most common among them is caused as a result of the fact that the nematode is clogged and the blood in it is trapped inside and undergoes a process of degeneration. Thus in fact the blood pigment left in place breaks down and its color turns brown. Although this phenomenon is an aesthetic defect, it usually disappears quickly, especially when it comes to fair-skinned people. In contrast, people with dark skin tone are more likely to suffer from aesthetic effects following the treatment. Since hot weather can aggravate the phenomenon, in general the recommendation is to carry out the treatment in the winter months and not in the summer.

Another side effect may occur, especially when the treatment focuses on very small capillaries. In this case, the substance may also enter the "normal" capillaries and close them, which in effect causes a lack of blood supply to the area and necrosis. Recovery from necrosis, even if small, can take about 3 months.

Due to the desire to take precautions aimed at avoiding pre-necrosis, today the directive is not to treat invisible capillaries from a distance of one meter.

This effectively ensures that the treatment focuses on large enough capillaries, where the chance of necrosis is relatively small.

Treatment of capillaries in the face

So as mentioned, the most effective treatment for disappearing capillaries in the legs is through injections.

However, when it comes to treating capillaries that appear on the face, the way of treatment is completely different and it is done using a laser.

The laser treatment is based on a laser beam (usually 2 mm in diameter), which is aimed at the capillary area.

The beam penetrates the skin and causes a high temperature in the neural area, which burns it and damages it.

Because the skin on the legs is 3 times thicker than on the face, a particularly high intensity of laser beam will be required, which can cause burns and therefore the treatment is not intended for the feet.

Beyond that, injecting polydocol into the face can penetrate through a vein at the corner of the eye to the skull and from there to the heart, which can cause severe complications if a vein inside a skull is blocked.

For these reasons, the treatment of capillaries in the face will be using laser and feet - in injections.

Dr. Reina Antonio is a vascular specialist who

assisted in the preparation of the article - Michal Halperin

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