The Limited Times

Proud to present: Despite calls for its boycott, TLVFest Festival kicks off | Israel today

11/10/2021, 8:38:08 AM

The International Proud Film Festival will be held in Tel Aviv and will feature 150 films from around the world, including ten short films made by teenagers

Against the background of the international calls for a boycott, TLVFest, the International Proud Film Festival, will open the next day (Thursday) at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque and the Anis Cultural Center in Jaffa.

The festival, which will be held for the 61st year, will run until November 20 and will feature 150 films from around the world, including 47 Israeli short films, including ten short films made by teenagers from various film majors around the country.

The festival will be opened by the Israeli film "Two", directed by Esther Elkayam, which brings the complex journey of a couple of women trying to have a child. Dozens of award-winning films from the world's leading film festivals will be screened alongside it, including "The Swan Song," a sweet-and-sour journey film starring queer icon Udo Care, Jennifer Coolidge ("The White Lotus") and Linda Evans (who played Crystal in the soap opera " dynasty"); "Precipitation", a documentary that traces six transgender women from different social backgrounds, who set out together on a journey to a small town in Spain; "Supernova," starring Stanley Tucci and Colin Firth, about a couple who face a secret that will change their lives; "The Rookie" by Lauren Hadaway, who won the Film, Actress and Photography Awards at the recent Tribeca Festival; "Private Desert," a daring Brazilian thriller that won the Audience Choice Award at the Venice Film Festival (and represented his country at the upcoming Oscar ceremony); "Language lessons", Which won the Audience Favorite Award at the festival; SXSW "The Scary of the Sixty-One," which won the Berlin Film Festival Debut Award, for a Manhattan apartment partnership that reveals their apartment was one of Jeffrey Epstein's abusive scenes, and more.

During the festival, there will also be various panels, including a panel of queer filmmakers with Bat El Musari, Sivan Noam Shimon and Dr. Jasmine Max Sasson; a meeting with the creators and actors of "Comprehensive Milan", hosted by Daphne Lustig and more. Of the TLVFest with six new contestants.Ginger Ming and Latris Royal from "Raw Pool's Drag Race" will judge.

More details and booking tickets on the festival website:

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