The Limited Times

Covid-19: contaminations at the highest in the Netherlands, re-containment is not excluded

11/11/2021, 4:27:32 PM

Prime Minister Mark Rutte is due to hold a press conference on Friday to announce new measures, as cases soar

Never before has the Netherlands experienced such a high number of contaminations: 16,364 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours.

This is more than on December 20, 2020, the day when with 12,997 cases had been identified in this country of 17.4 million inhabitants, even if 85% of adults are vaccinated.

The RIVM, the Dutch body responsible for public health, has also recorded 26 deaths from the coronavirus in the past 24 hours.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte is due to hold a press conference on Friday to announce new measures.

Experts recommend two weeks of confinement

The team of experts advising the government during the pandemic (OMT) recommends the return of a two-week "lockdown", local media reported.

Health restrictions could include canceling large events, closing cinemas and theaters, and closing bars and restaurants after a certain time.

Schools could however remain open, according to these experts.

They also recommended the politically sensitive measure to restrict access to certain locations to those who are vaccinated or who have recovered from the coronavirus.

Read also A curfew canceled in February by a court in The Hague

Mark Rutte announced on November 2 a series of measures to counter this outbreak of contaminations, in particular the return of the mask indoors in closed public establishments such as stores, for contact professions, such as hairdressers and masseurs.

Rules that have always remained in force in France.

Since Saturday the obligation to present the health pass had been extended to places such as museums or restaurant terraces.

These measures had already mobilized against them several thousand people last weekend in The Hague.

In January, the Dutch were particularly upset at the idea of ​​having to justify their movements.