The Limited Times

Covid-19: Israel conducts simulation exercise against new variant

11/11/2021, 4:20:30 PM

Meeting at the Crisis Management Center near Jerusalem, senior officials on Thursday simulated various scenarios to test the ca

Israel was already one step ahead of the Covid-19 vaccination.

To keep it, the country is preparing for anything and considering the worst.

Senior Israeli civil and military officials conducted an exercise on Thursday to test the country's response capacity in the event of an outbreak of a new variant of the coronavirus, according to the services of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

The officials, gathered in the national crisis management center near Jerusalem, had to face various scenarios: massive screening and vaccination campaigns, implementation of curfews, closure of the Ben-Gurion international airport, etc. .

Read alsoCovid-19: Did the third dose of vaccine "break the curve" in Israel?

“Israel is safe and protected (against the Covid).

In order to maintain this situation and the course of normal life, we must continue to monitor the evolution of the epidemic and prepare for any scenario, ”Naftali Bennett said in a statement.

Israel at the end of the fourth wave

With a test positivity rate of 0.65% and a steady decline in the number of new infections and hospitalizations in recent weeks, Israel appears to have come to grips with the fourth wave of Covid-19.

More than 5.7 million Israelis (about 80% of adults) out of the country's more than nine million people received two doses of Pfizer vaccine, and more than 4 million the third dose, according to the Ministry of Health. Health.

The advisory board of the Ministry of Health for its part recommended Wednesday evening to extend the vaccination to children from 5 to 11 years old.

The government has yet to decide whether it will go ahead with this measure, but the Prime Minister has already spoken in favor of the measure on Thursday.

"There is no reason to leave our children helpless, no child should be contaminated or contaminate other people (...) I call on parents to vaccinate their children," said Bennett, in a statement. statement filmed and broadcast by his office.