The Limited Times

Danmarks Radio admits sexual assault in a well

11/11/2021, 2:26:22 PM

The Danish Radio Girls' Choir has a long tradition, with 50 young women performing around the world. According to an external investigation, there should have been sexual harassment there.

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The headquarters of Danmarks Radio (DR) in Copenhagen: culture of silence


Steffen Trumpf / dpa

The Danish Radio Girls' Choir - founded in 1938 - is an institution in the country.

The around 50 teenagers and young women between the ages of 15 and 22 appear regularly on television, but also in concert halls around the world.

Especially at Christmas time, the DR Pigekoret is popular with many Danes.

According to research, this choir has been sexually harassed for decades.

This is the conclusion of an external study, the results of which the public broadcaster Danmarks Radio (DR) published on Wednesday evening.

Previously, the broadcaster TV2 had suggested possible attacks in the choir.

According to the report that has now been created, the incidents include, among other things, a vulgar choice of words, a flirtatious and sexualized atmosphere.

There has been a great focus on the outside and there have been cases of serious bullying.

Those affected were let down by the management.

The report also found that there were 64 cases of suspected sexual harassment.

According to this, sexual assaults have also been described, including intense hugs and touching intimate places.

Involuntary kissing and fondling are also said to have occurred.

In several cases, the advances are said to have been related to alcohol consumption.

Most cases date back 20 to 50 years, according to the report, but there are also reports that refer to the period between 2000 and 2010.

No cases have been detected since 2010.

The report said eight complaints were made to the broadcaster between 1982 and 2005.

In some cases, the information had not been adequately followed up.

Complaints were also dealt with by the person who was accused himself.

DR speaks of unacceptable culture

There was a culture of silence, no one took responsibility for stopping the behavior, it is said.

The public broadcaster apologized to the former choir members.

As the message from the broadcaster said, personnel proceedings were initiated against an employee and he was dismissed.

The man is said to have stopped working with the girls' choir in the end.

Against the background of the investigation, one comes to the conclusion that there was a completely unacceptable culture at that time - also viewed from the perspective of that time.

The result is the overall picture of an environment in which the boundaries of the normal have been shifted.

They distance themselves from the offensive behavior in the form of sexual harassment to which the former choir members were exposed, and take full responsibility.

"Sorry that DR let you down," said the broadcaster's general manager, Maria Rørbye Rønn.

The DR Pigekoret appears at concerts as well as on television and radio.

The external investigation by a law firm was started about six months ago after there were indications of possible sexual misconduct in the past.

The public broadcaster initiated the investigation itself after complaints had been raised.

hba / apr / dpa