The Limited Times

Italian volunteer arrested in Ethiopia, contacts in progress

11/11/2021, 6:32:57 PM

An Italian volunteer, Alberto Livoni, has been in custody in Ethiopia since last Saturday, in a police station in the capital. He is well, he is in contact with the consular authorities and hopefully he will be released from prison. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - CAIRO, NOV 11 - An Italian volunteer, AlbertoLivoni, has been in custody in Ethiopia since last Saturday in a police station in the capital. He is well, he is in contact with the consular authorities and hopefully in his release.

    The Emilian humanitarian worker ended up in the network held by the Ethiopian authorities at every possible "fifth column" of the Tigrinya siege of Addis Ababa.

    The 65-year-old is Coordinator for Ethiopia of "Vis" (International Volunteer for Development), an NGO that supports Salesians in schooling and professional training projects for young people and which is very active in northern Tigrè.

    The arrest of Livoni was carried out by security forces in his home in Addis Ababa after a raid and together with him two operators of the local staff of the Vis were stopped.

The Ethiopian authorities want to ascertain why the Italian executive would have sold about 20,000 dollars to a person: even if no accusations have been formalized, the Ethiopian investigators suspect that the funds were used to help the soldiers of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray (Fplt) launched now to conquer the capital, and not just refugees.


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