The Limited Times

Storm in Libya after report of possible normalization with Israel Israel today

11/11/2021, 1:57:25 PM

General Heftar, who is running in the upcoming presidential election, which is expected to take place at the end of next month, reportedly promised that Libya would join the normalization agreement with Israel if he is elected. Israel

The Arab media stormed today (Thursday) following the exposure in "Israel Today", according to which senior Libyan officials confirmed that the leading candidate for the presidency, General Khalifa Hefter, will work to attach Libya to the Abrahamic agreements as the fifth Arab state.

Hefter, who is running in the upcoming presidential election at the end of next month, reportedly promised that Libya would join the normalization agreement with Israel after the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco - in case he does run for president.

Reports in the Arab media emphasized that the son of the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, who is also running in the elections, has repeatedly said that he will work to establish normalization with Israel.

It should be noted that Gaddafi Jr. is expected to run in the elections despite the accusations pending against him in Libya.

According to the publication in Israel Today, Hefter stressed to his associates that the establishment of official relations with Israel and Libya's accession to the Abrahamic Accords will help the country return to the family of nations and the international community and enable the implementation of the Libyan rehabilitation program. Billions of dollars.

Foreign Minister Lapid: "Avraham agreements open to new members" // Photo: State Department

The Arab media reports highlighted another exclusive report recently published in Israel Today, according to which both Hefter and Gaddafi hired the services of a senior Israeli media consultant who had many successes in strategic and media management of campaigns in countries in Africa, Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Israel.

Moreover, the new editions of the leading Arab media opened the editions with a quote from the report on General Hefter's desire to join Libya to the Abrahamic Agreements and to establish normalization with Israel.

The channels claimed that a few days ago, General Hefter's son, Saddam Hefter, arrived on his father's mission for a secret visit to Israel that lasted several hours, during which he met with senior Israeli officials to promote Libya's accession to Abraham's agreements.

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