The Limited Times

Tim: bod examines strategies in plan view

11/11/2021, 5:26:11 PM

A river meeting that began late in the morning and closed in the late afternoon for Tim's board of directors who examined "the difficult market environment and the challenges facing the company in terms of strategy, corporate performance and organization". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, 11 NOV - A river meeting started late in the morning and closed in the late afternoon for Tim's board of directors who examined "the difficult market context and the challenges facing the company in terms of strategy, company performance and organization". The company itself explains it, after the many indiscretions on hot topics and the tensions caused by the profit warning. The board of directors "defined the path for preparing and sharing the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan to be approved in February" on which CEO Luigi Gubitosi is working.

    "No negotiations are underway relating to the network or other strategic assets" clarified the group, after speculations had been made in recent days on a reopening of the table on Open Fiber or on the enhancement of Noovle or Sparkle. (HANDLE).