The Limited Times

UK remembers the fallen, Camilla represents the Windsor house

11/11/2021, 1:50:00 PM

Carlo's consort takes center stage for Armistice Day (ANSA) Camilla at the center of the scene, in the Windsor house, on Armistice Day (or Remembrance Day): a date of great significance in which the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth countries remember the fallen of the former British Empire on the anniversary of the conclusion of the WWI. The anniversary, which includes a series of appointments in the Kingdom, destined to last until Sunday, was mar

Camilla at the center of the scene, in the Windsor house, on Armistice Day (or Remembrance Day): a date of great significance in which the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth countries remember the fallen of the former British Empire on the anniversary of the conclusion of the WWI. The anniversary, which includes a series of appointments in the Kingdom, destined to last until Sunday, was marked today in the first place - between events and scattered commemorations - by the traditional ceremony in the Field of Remembrance, at Westminster Abbey, where the Duchess of Cornwall, consort of the heir to the throne Charles, represented the entire royal family by placing a classic crown of red poppies, a symbolic flower on the island of homage to the fallen and veterans.

    Flanked by authorities and military departments in full uniform, Camilla thus underlined the increasingly central role assumed in recent years within the dynasty, against the background of the oblivion now descended on most of those hostile popular sentiments fueled by her past image of " rival "of the late Princess Diana, as well as the close relationship with Queen Elizabeth herself that emerged on numerous recent official occasions. The 95-year-old sovereign, for her part, forced by doctors to take a few weeks of rest after being subjected to a very rare hospitalization in October of about 24 hours for unspecified "preliminary tests", is currently staying in Windsor Castle. And, according to tradition, he could not join the 2 minutes of silence in front of the cenotaph in London.However, she made it known days ago that she was determined to return to public activity at least Sunday 14, to be present at the "national service" which, like every year, will close the cycle of commemorations linked to Remembrance Day. 

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