The Limited Times

Artificial snow in La Clusaz: activists chain themselves to the trees to prevent the start of work

11/15/2021, 5:27:19 PM

Extinction Rebellion activists chained themselves to trees to prevent the start of work on the future hill reservoir of La

While snow is storming the peaks of the Aravis, the sling continues to rumble lower, in La Clusaz (Haute-Savoie), against a water retention project of 148,000 m3 for artificial snow needs.

"The work was to start this Monday, with the felling of trees," says Ingrid De Maerschalck, member of Extinction Rebellion in Annecy, posted with about twenty activists at the entrance to the forest of the Beauregard plateau.

"We obstructed the passage by clinging to the logs," describes the young activist. A banner fixed by mountaineers to the tops of the trees reads “Tout schuss dans le mur”. "We waste public money for

all skiing

instead of devoting it to sustainable alternatives", assures Fabienne Grébert, EELV elected to the Region, present the day before at a symbolic march.

"If the reservoir is dug, it will be an ecocide with the destruction of habitats of protected species", insists Ingrid De Maerschalck.

Extinction Rebellion did not finally meet any loggers, the public utility declaration of the project having not yet been validated.

"We are waiting for the prefect's signature," confirms Didier Thévenet, mayor of La Clusaz.

The public inquiry commission gave the green light at the end of October.

It confirms that this 5th retention on the domain is essential for the snow cover of the ski slopes until 2050. "

Read also Extinction Rebellion: who are these green activists?

The city council adds that it will also serve as a reserve of drinking water in the event of a drought.

He denounces a political instrumentalisation of the project.

“A way for environmentalists, according to him, to oppose Laurent Wauquiez and his Mountain plan, which partly finances the reserve.

"Without the prefect's agreement this week, the start of work will be postponed to 2022." We will always be there, "assures Extinction Rebellion.