The Limited Times

Honoring the outstanding students of the General Secondary Certificate and the outstanding sons and daughters of the martyrs

11/20/2021, 1:16:10 PM

Damascus Countryside, SANA- The Revolutionary Youth Union, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, honored today 43 male and female students from the

Rif Dimashq-SANA

The Revolutionary Youth Union, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, honored today 43 outstanding students in the secondary education certificate and the outstanding students from the schools of the sons and daughters of the martyrs and 22 from their educational administrations, during the central ceremony to honor academic excellence for the year 2020-2021 in Sahara Complex in Dimas.

The honoring included academic excellence at the Syrian level in the General Secondary Certificate in the scientific and literary branches, and the legal and vocational high schools in their industrial, commercial and women's branches.

During the ceremony, artistic paintings were presented by young talents from the Ajam Troupe and the Folklore Troupe of the Damascus branch of the Union, emphasizing the strength of Syria, its people, its army, its leadership, their cohesion, and the need to arm themselves with science and culture.

In the speech of the sons and daughters of the martyrs, the first student from the scientific branch in the secondary school, Rawan Hamdan, pointed out that the success showed the extent of the outstanding students’ ability to assume responsibility, focus, pay attention, learn skills, curiosity, carry out experiments in a sequential manner, with present intuition, and continuous cooperation between their peers and their school.

 While the student, Rehan Sultan, from the Aleppo branch, explained in the distinguished speech that excellence is the result of hard and continuous work that does not bear fruit without the concerted efforts of students, the family and the school. in their academic and professional life.

The designated head of the Revolutionary Youth Union, Ali Al-Abbas, pointed out the importance of the excellence obtained by the honored students, because it was an academic and scientific excellence, in addition to the fact that it surpassed the conditions they went through. testimony of their parents.

The Minister of Education, Dr. Darem Tabbaa, explained that the superior elite of today’s students represents all Syrian students because all students who spent ten years in the war and endured its conditions are considered superior, pointing out that the strength of Syria lies in these young people who knew the value of knowledge that makes them active citizens in society.

Minister Tabbaa indicated that the sons of the martyrs carried a message from their martyred fathers, and today they prove by their superiority that they are qualified to carry this message after their fathers, indicating that the honor consecrates the value of excellence among the students, including the sons and daughters of the martyrs, who proved that excellence is one of the most important characteristics of the sons of Syria.

The honoring ceremony was attended by Engineer Moataz Abu Al-Nasr Jamran, Governor of Damascus Countryside, Engineer Radwan Mustafa, Secretary of the Damascus Countryside Branch of the Arab Socialist Baath Party, Major General Bassam Berri, Director of the Directorate of Martyrs, Wounded and Missing Persons, Brigadier General Lamis Rajab, Director of Boarding Schools for the Sons and Daughters of Martyrs, a number of Parliament members and members of the Revolutionary Youth Union leadership.

 Rehab Ali