The Limited Times

Iss, the protection of vaccinated people has dropped from 95% to 82% for over 6 months

11/20/2021, 1:09:43 PM

Sharp decrease in preventing diagnosis in all age groups. Pregliasco: 'Third doses slowly, pay attention to Christmas' (ANSA)

In the last month, 64.0% of ICU admissions and 45.3% of deaths occurred among those who did not receive any dose of Covid vaccine.

The data emerges from the extended surveillance report of the Higher Institute of Health (Iss), which completes the weekly monitoring.

In the period 8/10/2021 - 7/11/2021, the ISS notes, in intensive care there are 424 unvaccinated people out of a total of about 8 million non-immunized in Italy, and there are 177 vaccinated hospitalized patients complete from less 6 months out of 39 million fully vaccinated.

In the last 30 days, we read in the Extended Report, 50,564 cases of Covid-19 have been notified (39.9%) among the unvaccinated, 3,980 cases (3.1%) among those vaccinated with an incomplete cycle, 60,407 cases (47.7 %) among those vaccinated with a full course within six months, 11,215 (8.9%) among those vaccinated with a full course over six months and 537 cases (0.4%) among those vaccinated with a full course with an additional dose / booster.

    51.0% of hospitalizations, 64.0% of ICU admissions and 45.3% of deaths occurred among those who received no vaccine dose. Admitted to intensive care, on the other hand, there are 14 cases (2.1%) among those vaccinated with an incomplete cycle; 177 cases (26.7%) among vaccinated with full course within 6 months; 45 cases (6.8%) among vaccinated with full course for more than 6 months and 2 cases (0.3%) among vaccinated with full course plus additional / booster dose.

The protection determined by the anti-Covid vaccine for those vaccinated for more than 6 months drops from 95% to 82%.

This was revealed by the Extended Surveillance Report of the Higher Institute of Health (ISS), which completes the weekly monitoring.

"After 6 months from the completion of the vaccination cycle - says the ISS - there is a sharp decrease in vaccination efficacy in preventing diagnoses in all age groups".

Pregliasco: 'Third doses slowly, pay attention to Christmas'

- Third doses for the anti-Covid vaccine "are slow. Watch out for Christmas". So Fabrizio Pregliasco, Health Director of the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute of Milan, to the microphones of iNews24, on the upcoming Christmas holidays. "I think we have to worry, that is to plan things by imagining an unpleasant scenario, also in light of what is happening in Europe. The ideal - he explains - would be to get vaccinated if we have not yet done so. Above all we should go ahead with third parties. doses. As we are seeing at the moment, we are moving forward with a bit of slowness. Instead it is important to better protect those who are already vaccinated to avoid the reduction of the effectiveness of the vaccine. Then it remains to adopt great common sense and plan contacts " . Every interpersonal contact, he adds,"It is at risk and we must be careful, especially in the case of visits to the most fragile relatives and at risk of infection. At dinner parties, resize them. Then it all depends on how the trend of the virus will evolve in the coming weeks".

"In the worst scenario, the mathematical models tell us that we could reach 30 thousand cases per day in the space of three or 4 weeks if we do not implement interventions to strengthen prevention measures such as incentives for vaccinations, reviewing the green pass by adopting the 2g model. - that is, with access only to the vaccinated or cured in recreation areas, but keeping the possibility of a tampon to go to work - and to have a greater awareness of the danger by keeping the focus on limiting contacts ". This was stated to ANSA by Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist and health director of the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute in Milan. "I believe that it will be necessary for the government - he added - to study ways that reduce the number of contacts and ensure greater security in movements,"this in order not to go back ".