The Limited Times

Jova, the Beach party is my idea of ​​the world, a Jovaverso

11/20/2021, 7:58:03 AM

"A sailing ship that has passed through a storm, battered but alive, something that has come out of trouble more beautiful and bright": this is how Lorenzo Jovanotti sees the Jova Beach Party 2022, which will start next July 2 from Lignano Sabbiadoro - from where it was party no ... (ANSA)

"A sailing ship that has passed through a storm, battered but alive, something that has come out of trouble more beautiful and bright": this is how Lorenzo Jovanotti sees the Jova Beach Party 2022, which will start next July 2 from Lignano Sabbiadoro - from where it was departed in 2019 - to close on 10 September at Bresso airport, near Milan, after having touched the beaches of central Italy, including Vasto and Albenga, which were jumped two years ago and a lawn in Aosta, often with a double date .

    A desire, that of repeating the experience of 2019, born as soon as he got off the stage at Linate - says Lorenzo in the conference-show in Milan - and then mounted during the pandemic, leafing through the photo album of that summer of "crowd," bodies, emotion, music ". "It seemed to have happened 5000 years ago and I dreamed - he says in the video with which he wanted to open the presentation - that it could happen again". The motivation for repeating that experience came from that of the Nobel Prize awarded to Giorgio Parisi, "for the discovery of the interaction between disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from the atomic to the planetary scale", but the truth is that - as Flaubert would say - "Jova beach c'est moi, it's the thing that most resembles me, as if all the years have led to this'sformato ', which I defend and which I adore and which has a future to develop ". Because" Jova beach is crazy, whoever isn't there can't imagine what a blow it is "and above all because" it's an idea of ​​the world , a Taz, a utopia that lasts a day ". In this" more complete representation of what I love "there is everything inside:" a real 'Jovaverso', made up of people and work ", of a lot of music - with three different stages and many guests - and of 'beautiful stories', which will be collected through Radio Italia before the tour and developed during construction, as happened with the weddings celebrated in 2019. And then the environment: "my role is what I know how to do - he explains - to generate a climate to talk about climate ", with the certainty that a message arrives better in aparty atmosphere that in a conference, and with a real commitment, declined together with the WWF and Intesa Sanpaolo, with the "Ri-Party-Amo '' project, which aims to raise 5 million euros to clean 20 million square meters of beaches , lakes, rivers and sea beds. Not those of the concerts, "which we think of", as happened in 2019 when - Lorenzo recalls - the beaches were left cleaner than they had been found. Obviously the shadow of Covid hovers: "clearly they are worried, we all are: Jova beach is made at 100% capacity and without the obligation of masks, the well-founded hope is that it can be done, respecting all the laws that we hope will favor the complete return to work in the sector ".with the "Ri-Party-Amo '' project, which aims to raise 5 million euros to clean 20 million square meters of beaches, lakes, rivers and seabeds. Not those of the concerts," which we will take care of ", as happened in 2019 when - Lorenzo remembers - the beaches were left cleaner than they had been found. Obviously the shadow of Covid hovers: "clearly I'm worried, we all are: Jova beach is made to 100% capacity and without the obligation of masks , the well-founded hope is that it can be done, respecting all the laws that we hope will favor the complete return to work in the sector ".with the "Ri-Party-Amo '' project, which aims to raise 5 million euros to clean 20 million square meters of beaches, lakes, rivers and seabeds. Not those of the concerts," which we will take care of ", as happened in 2019 when - Lorenzo remembers - the beaches were left cleaner than they had been found. Obviously the shadow of Covid hovers: "clearly I'm worried, we all are: Jova beach is made to 100% capacity and without the obligation of masks , the well-founded hope is that it can be done, respecting all the laws that we hope will favor the complete return to work in the sector ".as happened in 2019 when - Lorenzo remembers - the beaches were left cleaner than they had been found. Obviously the shadow of Covid hovers: "clearly I'm worried, we all are: Jova beach is made at 100% capacity and without the obligation of masks, the well-founded hope is that it can be done, respecting all the laws that we hope will favor the complete return to work in the sector ".as happened in 2019 when - Lorenzo remembers - the beaches were left cleaner than they had been found. Obviously the shadow of Covid hovers: "clearly I'm worried, we all are: Jova beach is made at 100% capacity and without the obligation of masks, the well-founded hope is that it can be done, respecting all the laws that we hope will favor the complete return to work in the sector ".

    This desire to restart can be felt in 'Il boom', the new futurist-inspired single produced by Rick Rubin which is released today, a prelude to an album, 'Il disco del sole', "which will rise when it rises". For now "random pieces will be released", 7 of which will be released in December and only digitally because "the support makes no sense, I no longer wanted - explains Jova - of that format".

    On the album, he anticipates, "there will be a lot of dancing stuff, moments of strong emotion and a lot of pop that draws in as many people as possible". "When the sky reopened a year ago, I had the desire to make music that I had also removed as a listener and I wrote - he says - 30 songs in an instinctive, festive, celebratory way, to recover the meaning of life in its most beautiful aspect ".

    During the two hours of the conference, only a no comment: "it is against my nature not to do it but - he says - I do not answer questions about Sanremo".