The Limited Times

Presidential: a duo to bring the voice of Yannick Jadot to Paris

12/9/2021, 7:56:03 PM

They will be two co-referents to proclaim all the good that they both think of the EELV presidential candidate. Antoine Alibert and Nath

"We are here to make the campaign as dynamic as possible and welcome all those who want ecology for 2022", attacks Nathalie Maquoi, president of the elected officials of Generation. s in Paris and co-referent for the capital of Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate for the presidential election next April. He continued: “We are facilitators and we will bring our ideas on climate and social justice to the heart of the debate. “With Antoine Alibert (EELV), Nathalie Maquoi - also elected in the XXth arrondissement - will therefore have the heavy burden of passing on to Parisians the good word given by the winner of the primary of the Greens. The pair was presented via a 100% digital launch - 5th wave obliges - this Thursday evening in the 11th arrondissement, live from the Eleventh place rue Jean-Pierre-Timbaud (XIth).

To read also Primary of the left proposed by Hidalgo: "No", answers Yannick Jadot, "it is not the choice of the ecologists"

"We also have district committees which are supported by our allies such as Generation Ecology, the Progressive Movement and the New Democrats," said departmental secretary EELV. We will respond to the challenges of this election. "But 24 hours after the call for a popular primary by Anne Hidalgo (PS), the two elected Parisians clear. “Ecology can structure the future and embody a new dynamic on the left. Moreover, on Saturday, we will be in Laon (Aisne) with Yannick Jadot for a democratic forum and Sunday evening at the Gare de Lyon to distribute pains au chocolat to the brave who will take the night train between Paris and Tarbes ”, underlines Nathalie Maquoi tout by affirming "to respect the mayor for his Parisian action" and to be "fully part of his majority".A position that is not necessarily easy to hold and which will perhaps require balancing acts all next week during the Paris Council.