The Limited Times

Starbucks workers create the company's first union in the United States

12/9/2021, 7:32:11 PM

The vote went from 19 in favor to 8 against, despite the company's objections against this legal way that employees have to defend their labor rights.v

Employees of the Starbucks chain have voted in favor of protecting their labor rights with a union in a local the New York city of Buffalo, despite the objections of the company, leading the way towards a new labor model for this American coffee company with 50 years of history.

The National Labor Relations Board reported Thursday that workers

voted 19 to 8 in favor of the creation of a union


The board is still counting votes from other branches.

If the board certifies the vote, which is expected to last about a week, it would be the first time a Starbucks location has organized in the United States.

Employees at three different stores in the Buffalo area began voting by email last month to decide whether they wanted to be represented by Workers United, an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union.

Starbucks employees and supporters react as votes are being read this Thursday, December 9 in New York.Joshua Bessex / AP / AP