The Limited Times

Celebrating the inauguration of Archbishop Ephraim Maalouli as Metropolitan of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Aleppo, Alexandretta and their Dependencies

12/10/2021, 10:08:17 PM

Aleppo-SANA Celebrated this evening the inauguration of the Archbishop Aleppo-Sana This evening, the inauguration of Archbishop Avram Maalouli as Metropolitan of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Aleppo, Alexandretta and its dependencies, to succeed Archbishop Paul Yazigi, was celebrated at the Prophet Elias Cathedral in the Villas neighborhood of Aleppo, in a ceremony presided over by His Beatitude John X Yazigi, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for the Greek


This evening, the inauguration of Archbishop Avram Maalouli as Metropolitan of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Aleppo, Alexandretta and its dependencies, to succeed Archbishop Paul Yazigi, was celebrated at the Prophet Elias Cathedral in the Villas neighborhood of Aleppo, in a ceremony presided over by His Beatitude John X Yazigi, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for the Greek Orthodox.

In a speech, Patriarch Youhanna indicated that this event constitutes a great joy for Syria, Aleppo and the Antiochian Church after pages of pain as a result of the kidnapping of former Archbishop Paul Yazigi, pointing out that the appointment of Archbishop Maalouli coincided with the phase of the reconstruction of Aleppo and its victory over terrorism.

Bishop “Maalouli” said: We are ready for every action that contributes to the renaissance of Aleppo and Syria, and for this we will join hands with everyone as partners who carry the torch of nation building.

Member of the Ifta Council, Dr. Mahmoud Akam and Bishop Youhanna Janbart, the former Melkite Roman Catholic Archbishop, gave a speech in which they spoke about the importance of promoting human and moral values ​​and cooperation to build a good society based on science, knowledge, compassion, collective responsibility and acceptance of the other, stressing the unity of pain and hopes of the Syrian society in all its sects to overcome challenges. and victory over terrorism.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by the governor of Aleppo, Hussein Diab, the secretary of the party’s branch in Aleppo, Ahmed Mansour, the provincial police chief, some members of the People’s Assembly, the papal ambassador to Syria, Cardinal Mario Zenari, a number of heads of Christian denominations in Syria and Lebanon, and a number of Islamic clerics.

Qusai Razzouk