The Limited Times

French writers and intellectuals from As-Suwayda: Syria's victory does not belong to the Syrians only, but to all the free people of the world

12/10/2021, 8:08:10 PM

As-Suwayda, SANA- The French delegation visiting Syria, which includes a group of writers, writers, journalists and bloggers, confirmed that


The French delegation visiting Syria and comprising a group of writers, writers, journalists and bloggers confirmed during an open meeting that took place in the hall of the Suwayda Governorate Council today that the Syrian people, their army and leadership have proven for the whole year that they are a state to be emulated with their steadfastness and struggle against imperialist and colonial powers and that their victory does not belong to the Syrians only, but to all the free people of the world .

Regional and international advisor Emmanuel Leroy explained that he held a number of meetings in France to stand in the face of the US imperialist hegemony and to show the extent of lies, hypocrisy and media misinformation practiced by the aggressors against Syria, which achieved victory in the war on terrorism thanks to the blood of its martyrs and is still resisting today the economic blockade that aims To weaken it and undermine the steadfastness of its people, which will soon result in the removal of all the sanctions imposed on it, indicating that an expanded meeting will be held in the coming months in France to demand the immediate lifting of the siege on the Syrian people.

For his part, retired General Yves Péro indicated that he came to Syria to witness for himself what is happening on the ground, and not as portrayed by the media disinformation practiced by the anti-Syrian forces and to convey the truth to the French people, especially that they are in Europe real victims of the media hypocrisy carried out by those forces.

The researcher and journalist “Jean-Michel Vernochet” explained that the delegation present on Syrian soil today represents the real France and not the French government that caused harm to Syria, expressing his hope that this visit will be a new and real starting point for cooperation between the Syrian and French peoples, adding that the members of the delegation will do their best in France to support the truth, break the siege and overcome the Western media war that is being waged against Syria, with the strength they represent among the French people.

In turn, Alain-Pierre Tizio indicated that understanding what is happening in Syria is an urgent necessity for every global thinker, because Syria has changed the face of the world from a unipolar world to a multipolar world, and that its victory does not belong to the Syrians, but to all the free people of the world, and that its results will appear in the future for the benefit of the peoples of the Middle East and Europe, considering The global imperialist powers that worked to destroy the former Soviet Union and continued their plan to destroy the countries and peoples that stood in their way had their dreams shattered on the rock of Syria, which, with its people and army, will be in the history books an example to be followed and studied in all countries of the world.

While the professor and scientist in political geography “Pierre Emmanuel Tuman” explained that his wish is to see Syria return to its full glory and brilliance, indicating that its victory and the steadfastness of its people today will be an example to be followed in the future for many patriots and free people, and that these meetings give support and strength to the members of the delegation to be more effective in France.

For her part, “Maria Baumeer,” an anti-Zionist activist and film producer, stressed the importance of documenting the victory and steadfastness of the Syrians in books, and this is what she is currently working on, as she is collecting patriotic poems and articles to publish in a book because literature has a great impact on souls, noting that the West is in a state of spiritual bankruptcy today. Complete because imperialism killed the positive spirit.

The writer and traveler, “Adnan Azzam,” pointed out, in a statement to SANA’s reporter, the importance of communicating with intellectuals, thinkers and opinion leaders in European societies to break the siege, whether economic, cultural or humanitarian, and cooperate with them to publicize the victory achieved by the Syrians.

The head of the Arab Writers Union in Syria, Dr. “Mohammed Al-Hourani,” stressed in a press statement the importance of the delegation’s visit, after the Syrian people suffered from the terrorist war and are still suffering from an unjust economic war, in order to contribute to lifting this unjust siege by activating the popular diplomacy that is being strengthened today more Ever in Western and European societies whose governments are participating in the war and siege on our country by hosting thinkers, intellectuals, media professionals and opinion leaders who have their presence in French society and its universities to convey the true picture of the suffering of the Syrian people and the state of steadfastness and cohesion in which they live.

The meeting was attended by official, party, ideological and civil figures, and war wounded.

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