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Lebanon: Explosion at a Hamas weapons depot in a Palestinian camp in the Tzur area - Walla! news

12/10/2021, 8:02:27 PM

According to a Palestinian and security source at the scene, the noise occurred in the compound of the terrorist organization, which was present in several Palestinian camps in the country. The source did not provide further details

Lebanon: Explosion at a Hamas weapons depot in a Palestinian camp in the Tzur area

According to a Palestinian and security source at the scene, the noise occurred in the compound of the terrorist organization, which was present in several Palestinian camps in the country.

The source did not provide further details



Friday, 10 December 2021, 21:40 Updated: 21:58

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An explosion occurred this evening (Friday) in a Hamas weapons depot in a Palestinian camp in the Tzur area.

According to reports from the area, the explosion that was heard was large and shook the ground.

According to a Palestinian and security source at the scene, the noise occurred in the compound of the terrorist organization, which was present in several Palestinian camps in the country.

The source did not provide further details.

  • news

  • World news

  • the Middle East


  • Lebanon

  • Hamas

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