The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: on the left, Christiane Taubira lives in the minds

12/10/2021, 6:26:26 PM

Always popular on the left, the former Minister of Justice is a potential recourse after Anne Hidalgo's poker move.

Can an icon work miracles, save the left? While waiting for her possible appearance, Christiane Taubira is the source of all speculation ... Three days after Anne Hidalgo's proposal for a left-wing primary, the hypothesis of the arrival in the game of the former minister of Justice, presidential candidate in 2002, is hot. Two possibilities are on the table: it comes through the popular primary or it launches a single very big push in favor of the union. Almost six years after leaving the chancellery, Christiane Taubira, a figure of the cultural left, remains very popular. An Odoxa study for


published on Friday reveals that she is on the left, the figure considered

"the most competent, convincing and close to the concerns of the French".

In front of Anne Hidalgo and Yannick Jadot on these items.

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  • Presidential 2022: where are the candidates in the polls?

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